PDF Gert Westphal liest Die Jahreszeiten in der deutschen Dichtung 9783844533217 Books

By Bryan Richards on Wednesday 5 June 2019

PDF Gert Westphal liest Die Jahreszeiten in der deutschen Dichtung 9783844533217 Books

Product details

  • Audio CD
  • Language German
  • ISBN-10 3844533214

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Ebook Hardy Spaces Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics Nikolaï Nikolski 9781107184541 Books

By Bryan Richards

Ebook Hardy Spaces Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics Nikolaï Nikolski 9781107184541 Books

Product details

  • Series Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics (Book 179)
  • Hardcover 294 pages
  • Publisher Cambridge University Press; 1 edition (March 28, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1107184541

More aboutEbook Hardy Spaces Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics Nikolaï Nikolski 9781107184541 Books

Download Seeds and Trees A children book about the power of words Brandon Walden Kristen and Kevin Howdeshell Books

By Bryan Richards

Download Seeds and Trees A children book about the power of words Brandon Walden Kristen and Kevin Howdeshell Books

Download As PDF : Seeds and Trees A children book about the power of words Brandon Walden Kristen and Kevin Howdeshell Books

Download PDF Seeds and Trees A children book about the power of words Brandon Walden Kristen and Kevin Howdeshell Books

Words are powerful. They can hurt or they can heal.

It's time to tell a special tale that will warm the hearts of readers of all ages. Seeds and Trees revels in the power of words. It explores their effects on feelings and emotions. And it does so though the journey of two different seeds.

In Seeds and Trees, discover a young prince who gathers seeds both green and dark from those he encounters, and then gifts them forward. He faithfully plants and waters all those seeds daily, but comes to realise that the dark trees harm the green ones. With the help of a kind friend he discovers he can cut down, uproot, and then replace those dark trees with green seeds, creating a beautiful vibrant garden. 

The best book for raising confident children
Seeds and Trees carries the key message of love and positivity supported by the many advocates of positive parenting solutions. It'll sit comfortably on your shelf alongside other books that focus in on emotions. Like the work of Laurie Wright (I Can Handle It), Maria Dismondy (Spaghetti in a Hot Dog Bun) and Carol McCloud (Have You Filled a Bucket Today?). Seeds and Trees will help encourage your children to offer kindness towards themselves and others. 

Searching for bullying books for children?
Bullying is an unfortunate fact of life, be it in our schools, at the playground or even in the workplace. Seeds and Trees offers a supportive approach for families, educators and children struggling to manage a bullying situation. It's approach to positive thinking for children will help them face difficult situations with confidence in themselves. Author Brandon Walden was inspired by the acclaimed work of Dr. Brené Brown (The Gifts of Imperfection, Braving the Wilderness, and others) and Dr. Caroline Leaf (Switch on Your Brain) on the power of words in our daily lives.

He had one special friend who always spoke true,
words filled with candor as good friends will do.

She never spoke harshly and never spoke lies.
She always spoke lovingly; with gentle replies.

Grow Your Own Green Garden
All of us have received bad seeds throughout our life. However, it is our sincere hope that the words and beautiful illustrations in Seeds and Trees will guide you to and through a process that will bring you hope, encouragement and freedom. We believe words are powerful. They can hurt or they can heal. 

Be careful what you water, for it will surely grow.

Download Seeds and Trees A children book about the power of words Brandon Walden Kristen and Kevin Howdeshell Books

"There was once a prince who set out to plant and nurture seeds that grew into trees in a field near the castle. These weren't ordinary seeds, for each seed represented a spoken word. Some of the seeds--green and promising--grew into lush, vibrant trees just as kind words spread kindness and harmony. The other seeds--dark and nasty--became thorny, spikey grotesque growths just as foul words perpetuate meanness. Of course, the green trees stood as emblems of peace, love, and friendship while the dark trees were reminders of discontent, nastiness, and hatred. It takes a friend to convince the prince--now older--to plant only the green seeds she carries in her satchel. Together, they transform the field into a pleasant environment by cutting down the malicious trees and tossing the dark seeds into the sea. The illustrations provide visual interpretations of nature with its most attractive gifts in contrast with its most repulsive. A gentle fable, the story resembles a mindful meditation on the effects of choosing to spread harmony and peace over negativity and discord through the language we use and the attitudes we assume. A timely, wise, and heartfelt message for children of all ages and their advocates."

Product details

  • Age Range 6 - 12 years
  • Hardcover 38 pages
  • Publisher The Treasured Tree; Limited First edition (June 12, 2018)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1947165682

Read Seeds and Trees A children book about the power of words Brandon Walden Kristen and Kevin Howdeshell Books

Tags : Seeds and Trees A children's book about the power of words (9781947165687) Brandon Walden, Kristen and Kevin Howdeshell Books,Brandon Walden, Kristen and Kevin Howdeshell,Seeds and Trees A children's book about the power of words,The Treasured Tree,1947165682,Children's Books / 4-8 Years

Seeds and Trees A children book about the power of words Brandon Walden Kristen and Kevin Howdeshell Books Reviews :

Seeds and Trees A children book about the power of words Brandon Walden Kristen and Kevin Howdeshell Books Reviews

  • There was once a prince who set out to plant and nurture seeds that grew into trees in a field near the castle. These weren't ordinary seeds, for each seed represented a spoken word. Some of the seeds--green and promising--grew into lush, vibrant trees just as kind words spread kindness and harmony. The other seeds--dark and nasty--became thorny, spikey grotesque growths just as foul words perpetuate meanness. Of course, the green trees stood as emblems of peace, love, and friendship while the dark trees were reminders of discontent, nastiness, and hatred. It takes a friend to convince the prince--now older--to plant only the green seeds she carries in her satchel. Together, they transform the field into a pleasant environment by cutting down the malicious trees and tossing the dark seeds into the sea. The illustrations provide visual interpretations of nature with its most attractive gifts in contrast with its most repulsive. A gentle fable, the story resembles a mindful meditation on the effects of choosing to spread harmony and peace over negativity and discord through the language we use and the attitudes we assume. A timely, wise, and heartfelt message for children of all ages and their advocates.
  • Excellent book! I've been looking for more meaningful literature for our kids library and this is just excellently done! We are Minimalists soooo......we are VERY selective on what we bring into our home. This book did not disappoint and is definitely staying! This books doesn't just teach one great lesson, but multiple!
  • I am a teacher and a mom of an 8 and 6 yo and read this book to my children tonight. We enjoyed the illustrations and the setting of the book. My children and I loved and appreciated the message behind the story and it provided much meaningful discussion between us. (Be sure to read the letter from the author at the beginning of the book before reading the rest of the book, it will help explain the meaning behind the story to your children.) This is a wonderful book that can be used with children to explain the importance of speaking kindly AND how to handle other people's words.
  • A great picture book with beautiful illustrations and a timeless story about the power of words. Young children are so impressionable and the effects of their childhood experience can have lifelong implications. I remember hearing about a pro baseball player who visited prisons to encourage the men there. He told of how he would play catch with his father who would keep telling him, "Wow, you are going to play in the big leagues someday". Afterwards, a prisoner told him how his father always told him he was no good and he would "end up in prison"!
  • This book features a young prince as the protagonist. He lives in a castle by the sea. Every day he goes out to collect seeds. The prince soon realizes that some of these seeds become dark seeds, while others remain green. As the trees he plants grow, the dark seeds develop thistles and thorns. The green seeds blossom into beautiful shade trees. The reader comes to understand that the green seeds represent good words that are beautiful and true, while the dark seeds represent harmful, cruel words. As the prince becomes older, he notices that the dark trees are overshadowing the others. One day he meets a young girl who always speaks true and kind words. She carries with her the tools to remove the dark trees. She helps him take care of and nourish the green trees while removing the dark trees.
    This tale is a beautiful way to teach children the importance of the type of words they use. Harsh words lead to hurt, bullying, and the destruction of good relationships. I would highly recommend this book to parents and teachers of children in elementary and middle school. It provides lots of material for a variety of discussions on behavior and developing good, strong relationships with peers and adults. The illustrations complement the text beautifully.
  • This is not a book I'd read to a child. It sends the wrong message.
  • This book showcases the message that dark words said in the past can grow and fester, causing progressive damage for a long time, even hurting the good thoughts and behaviors that you may have. BUT, not all is lost. If you take care of the dark words (seeds), maybe by talking about it with family, friends or a therapist, the dark words spoken to you in the past won't have the same damaging effect and can be eventually replaced by good, positive beliefs.
  • I absolutely adored the art work and extended metaphor that was used throughout this story! I will be reading this to my nieces when they get older (one is yet to be born, and the other is only 18 months old.) I think metaphors may be lost on them at this age. Haha! I think the only argument that anybody could make against this story is that while negativity can be harmful to our happiness and growth, sometimes it makes those who experience it into better people. However, readers can infer that point if they think about the story not only from the perspective that we should learn to leave good seeds (positive) for people and not bad ones( negative) but from the perspective of the prince and his friend becoming better, helpful people when they deal with the negativity in their life instead of letting it take over. Again, I absolutely loved the presentation of this story!
More aboutDownload Seeds and Trees A children book about the power of words Brandon Walden Kristen and Kevin Howdeshell Books

Download PDF The F*ck It Diet Basta con le diete Mangiare è semplice Ti dico come e perché Italian Edition edition by Caroline Dooner Health Fitness Dieting eBooks

By Bryan Richards

Download PDF The F*ck It Diet Basta con le diete Mangiare è semplice Ti dico come e perché Italian Edition edition by Caroline Dooner Health Fitness Dieting eBooks

Download As PDF : The F*ck It Diet Basta con le diete Mangiare è semplice Ti dico come e perché Italian Edition edition by Caroline Dooner Health Fitness Dieting eBooks

Download PDF The F*ck It Diet Basta con le diete Mangiare è semplice Ti dico come e perché Italian Edition  edition by Caroline Dooner Health Fitness Dieting eBooks

Fanculo le diete. Le diete non funzionano. Anzi, alla lunga provocano effetti contrari alle aspettative. Eppure, ogni volta che non otteniamo i risultati sperati, invece di domandarci se il problema stia nel manico – e cioè nei regimi, spesso punitivi, ai quali ci sottoponiamo – incolpiamo noi stessi. "Perché non sono capace di rispettare la semplice prescrizione di un pasto a base di tonno e pompelmo?", "Cos’ho che non va?", e via di questo passo, schiacciati dalla convinzione che la chiave della felicità consista nel perdere i chili di troppo. Ma è ora di chiamare le cose con il loro nome cercare continuamente di mangiare il meno possibile è un modo triste di vivere, e non porta a nulla. Quindi basta con questo modo di trattare il proprio corpo e la propria vita! Caroline Dooner, che per anni ha tentato ogni tipo di regime alimentare, prende di petto gli errori della cultura delle diete e offre ai lettori una strada semplice e scientificamente argomentata, ricca di consigli pratici, per risanare il proprio rapporto fisico, emotivo e mentale con il cibo. Perché l’unico modo per stare bene è smettere di seguire regole prescrittive che conducono a frustrazione, disagio e sensi di colpa. La vita è troppo breve per essere ossessionati dal cibo. Abbiate fiducia il vostro corpo sa quel che fa. E un rapporto sano con il cibo, in definitiva, rende sani anche voi

Download PDF The F*ck It Diet Basta con le diete Mangiare è semplice Ti dico come e perché Italian Edition edition by Caroline Dooner Health Fitness Dieting eBooks


Product details

  • File Size 1153 KB
  • Print Length 238 pages
  • Publisher Sonzogno (April 18, 2019)
  • Publication Date April 18, 2019
  • Language Italian

Read The F*ck It Diet Basta con le diete Mangiare è semplice Ti dico come e perché Italian Edition  edition by Caroline Dooner Health Fitness Dieting eBooks

Tags : The F*ck It Diet Basta con le diete. Mangiare è semplice. Ti dico come e perché (Italian Edition) - edition by Caroline Dooner. Download it once and read it on your device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The F*ck It Diet Basta con le diete. Mangiare è semplice. Ti dico come e perché (Italian Edition).,ebook,Caroline Dooner,The F*ck It Diet Basta con le diete. Mangiare è semplice. Ti dico come e perché (Italian Edition),Sonzogno

The F*ck It Diet Basta con le diete Mangiare è semplice Ti dico come e perché Italian Edition edition by Caroline Dooner Health Fitness Dieting eBooks Reviews :

More aboutDownload PDF The F*ck It Diet Basta con le diete Mangiare è semplice Ti dico come e perché Italian Edition edition by Caroline Dooner Health Fitness Dieting eBooks

Download Gente di Dublino edizione integrale Italian Edition edition by James Joyce Literature Fiction eBooks

By Bryan Richards

Download Gente di Dublino edizione integrale Italian Edition edition by James Joyce Literature Fiction eBooks

Download As PDF : Gente di Dublino edizione integrale Italian Edition edition by James Joyce Literature Fiction eBooks

Download PDF Gente di Dublino edizione integrale Italian Edition  edition by James Joyce Literature Fiction eBooks

Una raccolta di quindici racconti, terminati nel 1906 e pubblicati nel 1914 dopo essere stati rifiutati da molte case editrici, che rappresenta uno dei maggiori capolavori della letteratura del Novecento.
Storie di vita quotidiana che delineano le tappe fondamentali della vita umana l’infanzia, l’adolescenza, la maturità, la vecchiaia e infine la morte. Una vita che, quando è priva di consapevolezza, perde significato e si arena nella passività, in una perpetua paralisi fatta di parole non dette, drammi non espressi, assenza di libertà.

Download Gente di Dublino edizione integrale Italian Edition edition by James Joyce Literature Fiction eBooks


Product details

  • File Size 2289 KB
  • Print Length 272 pages
  • Publisher Giunti (January 30, 2019)
  • Publication Date January 30, 2019
  • Language Italian
  • ASIN B07N7KM858

Read Gente di Dublino edizione integrale Italian Edition  edition by James Joyce Literature Fiction eBooks

Tags : Gente di Dublino edizione integrale (Italian Edition) - edition by James Joyce. Download it once and read it on your device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Gente di Dublino edizione integrale (Italian Edition).,ebook,James Joyce,Gente di Dublino edizione integrale (Italian Edition),Giunti

Gente di Dublino edizione integrale Italian Edition edition by James Joyce Literature Fiction eBooks Reviews :

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By Bryan Richards on Tuesday 4 June 2019


Product details

  • File Size 1080 KB
  • Print Length 156 pages
  • Publication Date February 20, 2019
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language Italian
  • ASIN B07NY18LZ7


PDF So Much Longing in So Little Space The Art of Edvard Munch Audible Audio Edition Karl Ove Knausgaard Matthew Waterson a division of Recorded Books HighBridge Books

By Bryan Richards

PDF So Much Longing in So Little Space The Art of Edvard Munch Audible Audio Edition Karl Ove Knausgaard Matthew Waterson a division of Recorded Books HighBridge Books

Product details

  • Audible Audiobook
  • Listening Length 5 hours and 52 minutes
  • Program Type Audiobook
  • Version Unabridged
  • Publisher HighBridge, a division of Recorded Books
  • Audible.com Release Date March 26, 2019
  • Language English, English

So Much Longing in So Little Space The Art of Edvard Munch Audible Audio Edition Karl Ove Knausgaard Matthew Waterson a division of Recorded Books HighBridge Books Reviews

  • If you haven't read Knausgaard before, this book may come as a surprise to you. That's because most books about Artists are written by “experts” who more often than not have axes to grind, theories to advance in art criticism.

    Not Knausgaard.

    Like his novels where he foolishly lays out his bad behavior, raw emotions, and his reactions to everyday life, here he writes about his personal responses to Munch's work. And like his prior books, he is a master at describing the complex, often contradictory feelings that are aroused in him by Munch's paintings.

    Knausgaard doesn't canonize Munch; he depicts a flawed, often amatuerish, and always insecure artist who nonetheless pursues his ambition relentlessly. Munch left behind a lifetime's cache of works, many of which are not very good, but the aggregate of those paintings articulate the remarkable journey he took.

    Knausgaard understands the artist's process; the Doubt and Belief in Painting, as Gerhard Richter spoke about. I think he would be the first to admit that much of his own writing is not very good, but he is still working on it.
  • Really interested in the subject but book provided little background in a language which is mediocre to the best. Not sure if it is same in original or issue is in translation
  • More genius.
  • So Much Longing in So Little Space by Karl Ove Knausgard is part art criticism, part simply art appreciation, part biography, and part memoir. I wasn't sure how I would feel about this book when I started but I was quickly caught up in every distinct aspect of the work.

    Knausgard, by his own admission not an art critic or historian, takes an approach to Munch's entire artistic output that makes more sense than it might initially seem. Because he is simply interested in Munch and not in promoting a particular school of thought, he looks at the things that many people who enjoy art might also think about. Of course he looks at Munch's life and circumstances and how these play into his art. But he looks also at where and how art is viewed and produced. He does this by looking, such as is possible, at where Munch worked but also by interviewing contemporary artists about their work and work environments.

    As a guest curator for a Munch exhibit, he has the opportunity to arrange a selection of paintings along thematic strands that he sees running through the works. Would someone "trained" in art history or an experienced curator made the same decisions? Likely not. We walk with him through the process of pondering the works, thinking about similarities and differences, and about how best to display the works to bring these things to the fore.

    If you're looking strictly for either a biography of Munch or a critique of Munch heavily steeped in art theory, you may well be disappointed. But I think even if you're disappointed on those points you'll still find a lot to appreciate about Knausgard's unusual approach to art appreciation as it applies to Munch. And I think his perceptive comments about the arc of Munch's life give the already known facts of his life a new perspective and meaning. Plus there are some wonderful prints of Munch's work.

    Reviewed from a copy made available by the publisher via Edelweiss.
  • Knausgaard is the first author I've read who discussed the space in which art happens for the artist and the viewer. It is very much about the way art is experienced, and is a fantastic read.
More aboutPDF So Much Longing in So Little Space The Art of Edvard Munch Audible Audio Edition Karl Ove Knausgaard Matthew Waterson a division of Recorded Books HighBridge Books