PDF Gert Westphal liest Die Jahreszeiten in der deutschen Dichtung 9783844533217 Books

By Bryan Richards on Wednesday, 5 June 2019

PDF Gert Westphal liest Die Jahreszeiten in der deutschen Dichtung 9783844533217 Books

Product details

  • Audio CD
  • Language German
  • ISBN-10 3844533214

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Ebook Hardy Spaces Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics Nikolaï Nikolski 9781107184541 Books

By Bryan Richards

Ebook Hardy Spaces Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics Nikolaï Nikolski 9781107184541 Books

Product details

  • Series Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics (Book 179)
  • Hardcover 294 pages
  • Publisher Cambridge University Press; 1 edition (March 28, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1107184541

More aboutEbook Hardy Spaces Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics Nikolaï Nikolski 9781107184541 Books

Download Seeds and Trees A children book about the power of words Brandon Walden Kristen and Kevin Howdeshell Books

By Bryan Richards

Download Seeds and Trees A children book about the power of words Brandon Walden Kristen and Kevin Howdeshell Books

Download As PDF : Seeds and Trees A children book about the power of words Brandon Walden Kristen and Kevin Howdeshell Books

Download PDF Seeds and Trees A children book about the power of words Brandon Walden Kristen and Kevin Howdeshell Books

Words are powerful. They can hurt or they can heal.

It's time to tell a special tale that will warm the hearts of readers of all ages. Seeds and Trees revels in the power of words. It explores their effects on feelings and emotions. And it does so though the journey of two different seeds.

In Seeds and Trees, discover a young prince who gathers seeds both green and dark from those he encounters, and then gifts them forward. He faithfully plants and waters all those seeds daily, but comes to realise that the dark trees harm the green ones. With the help of a kind friend he discovers he can cut down, uproot, and then replace those dark trees with green seeds, creating a beautiful vibrant garden. 

The best book for raising confident children
Seeds and Trees carries the key message of love and positivity supported by the many advocates of positive parenting solutions. It'll sit comfortably on your shelf alongside other books that focus in on emotions. Like the work of Laurie Wright (I Can Handle It), Maria Dismondy (Spaghetti in a Hot Dog Bun) and Carol McCloud (Have You Filled a Bucket Today?). Seeds and Trees will help encourage your children to offer kindness towards themselves and others. 

Searching for bullying books for children?
Bullying is an unfortunate fact of life, be it in our schools, at the playground or even in the workplace. Seeds and Trees offers a supportive approach for families, educators and children struggling to manage a bullying situation. It's approach to positive thinking for children will help them face difficult situations with confidence in themselves. Author Brandon Walden was inspired by the acclaimed work of Dr. Brené Brown (The Gifts of Imperfection, Braving the Wilderness, and others) and Dr. Caroline Leaf (Switch on Your Brain) on the power of words in our daily lives.

He had one special friend who always spoke true,
words filled with candor as good friends will do.

She never spoke harshly and never spoke lies.
She always spoke lovingly; with gentle replies.

Grow Your Own Green Garden
All of us have received bad seeds throughout our life. However, it is our sincere hope that the words and beautiful illustrations in Seeds and Trees will guide you to and through a process that will bring you hope, encouragement and freedom. We believe words are powerful. They can hurt or they can heal. 

Be careful what you water, for it will surely grow.

Download Seeds and Trees A children book about the power of words Brandon Walden Kristen and Kevin Howdeshell Books

"There was once a prince who set out to plant and nurture seeds that grew into trees in a field near the castle. These weren't ordinary seeds, for each seed represented a spoken word. Some of the seeds--green and promising--grew into lush, vibrant trees just as kind words spread kindness and harmony. The other seeds--dark and nasty--became thorny, spikey grotesque growths just as foul words perpetuate meanness. Of course, the green trees stood as emblems of peace, love, and friendship while the dark trees were reminders of discontent, nastiness, and hatred. It takes a friend to convince the prince--now older--to plant only the green seeds she carries in her satchel. Together, they transform the field into a pleasant environment by cutting down the malicious trees and tossing the dark seeds into the sea. The illustrations provide visual interpretations of nature with its most attractive gifts in contrast with its most repulsive. A gentle fable, the story resembles a mindful meditation on the effects of choosing to spread harmony and peace over negativity and discord through the language we use and the attitudes we assume. A timely, wise, and heartfelt message for children of all ages and their advocates."

Product details

  • Age Range 6 - 12 years
  • Hardcover 38 pages
  • Publisher The Treasured Tree; Limited First edition (June 12, 2018)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1947165682

Read Seeds and Trees A children book about the power of words Brandon Walden Kristen and Kevin Howdeshell Books

Tags : Seeds and Trees A children's book about the power of words (9781947165687) Brandon Walden, Kristen and Kevin Howdeshell Books,Brandon Walden, Kristen and Kevin Howdeshell,Seeds and Trees A children's book about the power of words,The Treasured Tree,1947165682,Children's Books / 4-8 Years

Seeds and Trees A children book about the power of words Brandon Walden Kristen and Kevin Howdeshell Books Reviews :

Seeds and Trees A children book about the power of words Brandon Walden Kristen and Kevin Howdeshell Books Reviews

  • There was once a prince who set out to plant and nurture seeds that grew into trees in a field near the castle. These weren't ordinary seeds, for each seed represented a spoken word. Some of the seeds--green and promising--grew into lush, vibrant trees just as kind words spread kindness and harmony. The other seeds--dark and nasty--became thorny, spikey grotesque growths just as foul words perpetuate meanness. Of course, the green trees stood as emblems of peace, love, and friendship while the dark trees were reminders of discontent, nastiness, and hatred. It takes a friend to convince the prince--now older--to plant only the green seeds she carries in her satchel. Together, they transform the field into a pleasant environment by cutting down the malicious trees and tossing the dark seeds into the sea. The illustrations provide visual interpretations of nature with its most attractive gifts in contrast with its most repulsive. A gentle fable, the story resembles a mindful meditation on the effects of choosing to spread harmony and peace over negativity and discord through the language we use and the attitudes we assume. A timely, wise, and heartfelt message for children of all ages and their advocates.
  • Excellent book! I've been looking for more meaningful literature for our kids library and this is just excellently done! We are Minimalists soooo......we are VERY selective on what we bring into our home. This book did not disappoint and is definitely staying! This books doesn't just teach one great lesson, but multiple!
  • I am a teacher and a mom of an 8 and 6 yo and read this book to my children tonight. We enjoyed the illustrations and the setting of the book. My children and I loved and appreciated the message behind the story and it provided much meaningful discussion between us. (Be sure to read the letter from the author at the beginning of the book before reading the rest of the book, it will help explain the meaning behind the story to your children.) This is a wonderful book that can be used with children to explain the importance of speaking kindly AND how to handle other people's words.
  • A great picture book with beautiful illustrations and a timeless story about the power of words. Young children are so impressionable and the effects of their childhood experience can have lifelong implications. I remember hearing about a pro baseball player who visited prisons to encourage the men there. He told of how he would play catch with his father who would keep telling him, "Wow, you are going to play in the big leagues someday". Afterwards, a prisoner told him how his father always told him he was no good and he would "end up in prison"!
  • This book features a young prince as the protagonist. He lives in a castle by the sea. Every day he goes out to collect seeds. The prince soon realizes that some of these seeds become dark seeds, while others remain green. As the trees he plants grow, the dark seeds develop thistles and thorns. The green seeds blossom into beautiful shade trees. The reader comes to understand that the green seeds represent good words that are beautiful and true, while the dark seeds represent harmful, cruel words. As the prince becomes older, he notices that the dark trees are overshadowing the others. One day he meets a young girl who always speaks true and kind words. She carries with her the tools to remove the dark trees. She helps him take care of and nourish the green trees while removing the dark trees.
    This tale is a beautiful way to teach children the importance of the type of words they use. Harsh words lead to hurt, bullying, and the destruction of good relationships. I would highly recommend this book to parents and teachers of children in elementary and middle school. It provides lots of material for a variety of discussions on behavior and developing good, strong relationships with peers and adults. The illustrations complement the text beautifully.
  • This is not a book I'd read to a child. It sends the wrong message.
  • This book showcases the message that dark words said in the past can grow and fester, causing progressive damage for a long time, even hurting the good thoughts and behaviors that you may have. BUT, not all is lost. If you take care of the dark words (seeds), maybe by talking about it with family, friends or a therapist, the dark words spoken to you in the past won't have the same damaging effect and can be eventually replaced by good, positive beliefs.
  • I absolutely adored the art work and extended metaphor that was used throughout this story! I will be reading this to my nieces when they get older (one is yet to be born, and the other is only 18 months old.) I think metaphors may be lost on them at this age. Haha! I think the only argument that anybody could make against this story is that while negativity can be harmful to our happiness and growth, sometimes it makes those who experience it into better people. However, readers can infer that point if they think about the story not only from the perspective that we should learn to leave good seeds (positive) for people and not bad ones( negative) but from the perspective of the prince and his friend becoming better, helpful people when they deal with the negativity in their life instead of letting it take over. Again, I absolutely loved the presentation of this story!
More aboutDownload Seeds and Trees A children book about the power of words Brandon Walden Kristen and Kevin Howdeshell Books

Download PDF The F*ck It Diet Basta con le diete Mangiare è semplice Ti dico come e perché Italian Edition edition by Caroline Dooner Health Fitness Dieting eBooks

By Bryan Richards

Download PDF The F*ck It Diet Basta con le diete Mangiare è semplice Ti dico come e perché Italian Edition edition by Caroline Dooner Health Fitness Dieting eBooks

Download As PDF : The F*ck It Diet Basta con le diete Mangiare è semplice Ti dico come e perché Italian Edition edition by Caroline Dooner Health Fitness Dieting eBooks

Download PDF The F*ck It Diet Basta con le diete Mangiare è semplice Ti dico come e perché Italian Edition  edition by Caroline Dooner Health Fitness Dieting eBooks

Fanculo le diete. Le diete non funzionano. Anzi, alla lunga provocano effetti contrari alle aspettative. Eppure, ogni volta che non otteniamo i risultati sperati, invece di domandarci se il problema stia nel manico – e cioè nei regimi, spesso punitivi, ai quali ci sottoponiamo – incolpiamo noi stessi. "Perché non sono capace di rispettare la semplice prescrizione di un pasto a base di tonno e pompelmo?", "Cos’ho che non va?", e via di questo passo, schiacciati dalla convinzione che la chiave della felicità consista nel perdere i chili di troppo. Ma è ora di chiamare le cose con il loro nome cercare continuamente di mangiare il meno possibile è un modo triste di vivere, e non porta a nulla. Quindi basta con questo modo di trattare il proprio corpo e la propria vita! Caroline Dooner, che per anni ha tentato ogni tipo di regime alimentare, prende di petto gli errori della cultura delle diete e offre ai lettori una strada semplice e scientificamente argomentata, ricca di consigli pratici, per risanare il proprio rapporto fisico, emotivo e mentale con il cibo. Perché l’unico modo per stare bene è smettere di seguire regole prescrittive che conducono a frustrazione, disagio e sensi di colpa. La vita è troppo breve per essere ossessionati dal cibo. Abbiate fiducia il vostro corpo sa quel che fa. E un rapporto sano con il cibo, in definitiva, rende sani anche voi

Download PDF The F*ck It Diet Basta con le diete Mangiare è semplice Ti dico come e perché Italian Edition edition by Caroline Dooner Health Fitness Dieting eBooks


Product details

  • File Size 1153 KB
  • Print Length 238 pages
  • Publisher Sonzogno (April 18, 2019)
  • Publication Date April 18, 2019
  • Language Italian

Read The F*ck It Diet Basta con le diete Mangiare è semplice Ti dico come e perché Italian Edition  edition by Caroline Dooner Health Fitness Dieting eBooks

Tags : The F*ck It Diet Basta con le diete. Mangiare è semplice. Ti dico come e perché (Italian Edition) - edition by Caroline Dooner. Download it once and read it on your device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The F*ck It Diet Basta con le diete. Mangiare è semplice. Ti dico come e perché (Italian Edition).,ebook,Caroline Dooner,The F*ck It Diet Basta con le diete. Mangiare è semplice. Ti dico come e perché (Italian Edition),Sonzogno

The F*ck It Diet Basta con le diete Mangiare è semplice Ti dico come e perché Italian Edition edition by Caroline Dooner Health Fitness Dieting eBooks Reviews :

More aboutDownload PDF The F*ck It Diet Basta con le diete Mangiare è semplice Ti dico come e perché Italian Edition edition by Caroline Dooner Health Fitness Dieting eBooks

Download Gente di Dublino edizione integrale Italian Edition edition by James Joyce Literature Fiction eBooks

By Bryan Richards

Download Gente di Dublino edizione integrale Italian Edition edition by James Joyce Literature Fiction eBooks

Download As PDF : Gente di Dublino edizione integrale Italian Edition edition by James Joyce Literature Fiction eBooks

Download PDF Gente di Dublino edizione integrale Italian Edition  edition by James Joyce Literature Fiction eBooks

Una raccolta di quindici racconti, terminati nel 1906 e pubblicati nel 1914 dopo essere stati rifiutati da molte case editrici, che rappresenta uno dei maggiori capolavori della letteratura del Novecento.
Storie di vita quotidiana che delineano le tappe fondamentali della vita umana l’infanzia, l’adolescenza, la maturità, la vecchiaia e infine la morte. Una vita che, quando è priva di consapevolezza, perde significato e si arena nella passività, in una perpetua paralisi fatta di parole non dette, drammi non espressi, assenza di libertà.

Download Gente di Dublino edizione integrale Italian Edition edition by James Joyce Literature Fiction eBooks


Product details

  • File Size 2289 KB
  • Print Length 272 pages
  • Publisher Giunti (January 30, 2019)
  • Publication Date January 30, 2019
  • Language Italian
  • ASIN B07N7KM858

Read Gente di Dublino edizione integrale Italian Edition  edition by James Joyce Literature Fiction eBooks

Tags : Gente di Dublino edizione integrale (Italian Edition) - edition by James Joyce. Download it once and read it on your device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Gente di Dublino edizione integrale (Italian Edition).,ebook,James Joyce,Gente di Dublino edizione integrale (Italian Edition),Giunti

Gente di Dublino edizione integrale Italian Edition edition by James Joyce Literature Fiction eBooks Reviews :

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By Bryan Richards on Tuesday, 4 June 2019


Product details

  • File Size 1080 KB
  • Print Length 156 pages
  • Publication Date February 20, 2019
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language Italian
  • ASIN B07NY18LZ7


PDF So Much Longing in So Little Space The Art of Edvard Munch Audible Audio Edition Karl Ove Knausgaard Matthew Waterson a division of Recorded Books HighBridge Books

By Bryan Richards

PDF So Much Longing in So Little Space The Art of Edvard Munch Audible Audio Edition Karl Ove Knausgaard Matthew Waterson a division of Recorded Books HighBridge Books

Product details

  • Audible Audiobook
  • Listening Length 5 hours and 52 minutes
  • Program Type Audiobook
  • Version Unabridged
  • Publisher HighBridge, a division of Recorded Books
  • Audible.com Release Date March 26, 2019
  • Language English, English

So Much Longing in So Little Space The Art of Edvard Munch Audible Audio Edition Karl Ove Knausgaard Matthew Waterson a division of Recorded Books HighBridge Books Reviews

  • If you haven't read Knausgaard before, this book may come as a surprise to you. That's because most books about Artists are written by “experts” who more often than not have axes to grind, theories to advance in art criticism.

    Not Knausgaard.

    Like his novels where he foolishly lays out his bad behavior, raw emotions, and his reactions to everyday life, here he writes about his personal responses to Munch's work. And like his prior books, he is a master at describing the complex, often contradictory feelings that are aroused in him by Munch's paintings.

    Knausgaard doesn't canonize Munch; he depicts a flawed, often amatuerish, and always insecure artist who nonetheless pursues his ambition relentlessly. Munch left behind a lifetime's cache of works, many of which are not very good, but the aggregate of those paintings articulate the remarkable journey he took.

    Knausgaard understands the artist's process; the Doubt and Belief in Painting, as Gerhard Richter spoke about. I think he would be the first to admit that much of his own writing is not very good, but he is still working on it.
  • Really interested in the subject but book provided little background in a language which is mediocre to the best. Not sure if it is same in original or issue is in translation
  • More genius.
  • So Much Longing in So Little Space by Karl Ove Knausgard is part art criticism, part simply art appreciation, part biography, and part memoir. I wasn't sure how I would feel about this book when I started but I was quickly caught up in every distinct aspect of the work.

    Knausgard, by his own admission not an art critic or historian, takes an approach to Munch's entire artistic output that makes more sense than it might initially seem. Because he is simply interested in Munch and not in promoting a particular school of thought, he looks at the things that many people who enjoy art might also think about. Of course he looks at Munch's life and circumstances and how these play into his art. But he looks also at where and how art is viewed and produced. He does this by looking, such as is possible, at where Munch worked but also by interviewing contemporary artists about their work and work environments.

    As a guest curator for a Munch exhibit, he has the opportunity to arrange a selection of paintings along thematic strands that he sees running through the works. Would someone "trained" in art history or an experienced curator made the same decisions? Likely not. We walk with him through the process of pondering the works, thinking about similarities and differences, and about how best to display the works to bring these things to the fore.

    If you're looking strictly for either a biography of Munch or a critique of Munch heavily steeped in art theory, you may well be disappointed. But I think even if you're disappointed on those points you'll still find a lot to appreciate about Knausgard's unusual approach to art appreciation as it applies to Munch. And I think his perceptive comments about the arc of Munch's life give the already known facts of his life a new perspective and meaning. Plus there are some wonderful prints of Munch's work.

    Reviewed from a copy made available by the publisher via Edelweiss.
  • Knausgaard is the first author I've read who discussed the space in which art happens for the artist and the viewer. It is very much about the way art is experienced, and is a fantastic read.
More aboutPDF So Much Longing in So Little Space The Art of Edvard Munch Audible Audio Edition Karl Ove Knausgaard Matthew Waterson a division of Recorded Books HighBridge Books

Read Tenerife Marco Polo Holiday Map Marco Polo Holiday Maps Marco Polo Travel Publishing 9783829770385 Books

By Bryan Richards

Read Tenerife Marco Polo Holiday Map Marco Polo Holiday Maps Marco Polo Travel Publishing 9783829770385 Books

Product details

  • Series Marco Polo Holiday Maps
  • Map 2 pages
  • Publisher Marco Polo Travel Publishing, Ltd. (March 15, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 3829770383

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Download PDF Les feux de l'hiver J'ai lu Aventures Passions Les introuvables t 12654 French Edition edition by Johanna Lindsey Astrid Mougins Literature Fiction eBooks

By Bryan Richards

Download PDF Les feux de l'hiver J'ai lu Aventures Passions Les introuvables t 12654 French Edition edition by Johanna Lindsey Astrid Mougins Literature Fiction eBooks

Download As PDF : Les feux de l'hiver J'ai lu Aventures Passions Les introuvables t 12654 French Edition edition by Johanna Lindsey Astrid Mougins Literature Fiction eBooks

Download PDF Les feux de l&#39hiver J&#39ai lu Aventures Passions  Les introuvables t 12654 French Edition  edition by Johanna Lindsey Astrid Mougins Literature Fiction eBooks

Sur l’île d’Anglesey, lord Angus a élevé sa fille Brenna comme un garçon et se félicite qu’elle sache mieux manier l’épée que l’aiguille à broder. Cependant, afin de protéger les siens des raids ennemis il a dû la promettre en mariage à un puissant chef norvégien. Hélas, les Vikings n’ont pas de parole. Lors d’une attaque, Brenna est capturée et offerte au redoutable Garrick Haardrad. Aussi fière qu’intrépide, elle se jure que jamais il ne la soumettra. Quant à lui, il veut dompter celle qui lui résiste même si son cœur est déjà captif de la beauté et du courage de la jeune femme.

Download PDF Les feux de l'hiver J'ai lu Aventures Passions Les introuvables t 12654 French Edition edition by Johanna Lindsey Astrid Mougins Literature Fiction eBooks

"I had some problems with this book that really irked me. There are spoilers ahead...

Brenna's family is betrayed, the men are killed and the women carried off (yes, vikings, I know) All the women except for Brenna are gang raped on the voyage home. Worst of all for Brenna is she is given as a slave to the man she was supposed to marry. This man just kind of shrugs his shoulders and expects her to accept the situation. In fact, everyone including what's left of her family thinks she should just fall in line. Her aunt even says "Brenna never really grew up." WHAT!? If you don't want to be a slave, expected to do endless hard work and bend over for whatever drunk viking comes across you, you're obviously immature.

The anti-hero hears her heart wrenching description of what happened when they were taken and feels kinda sorry for her, but oh well that's life. He treats her horribly, rapes her twice (vikings, don't forget) makes her life hell and when she is kidnapped and nearly dies trying to return to him he throws her out. This guy really has no redeeming qualities at all. No reason for Brenna to fall in love with him, but every reason to hate him. I was rooting for her to stab him in the eye. along with his father and brother for good measure.

I didn't blame Brenna for her behavior at all. I was aghast at her aunt. Everyone is mad at Brenna because she won't break but I admired her. I wanted her to leave and go home because he didn't deserve her.

The book is very well written so I gave it three stars instead of two, but I just couldn't buy into the romance."

Product details

  • File Size 1582 KB
  • Print Length 375 pages
  • Publisher J'ai Lu (May 1, 2019)
  • Publication Date May 1, 2019
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language French

Read Les feux de l&#39hiver J&#39ai lu Aventures Passions  Les introuvables t 12654 French Edition  edition by Johanna Lindsey Astrid Mougins Literature Fiction eBooks

Tags : Les feux de l'hiver (J'ai lu Aventures Passions - Les introuvables t. 12654) (French Edition) - edition by Johanna Lindsey, Astrid Mougins. Download it once and read it on your device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Les feux de l'hiver (J'ai lu Aventures Passions - Les introuvables t. 12654) (French Edition).,ebook,Johanna Lindsey, Astrid Mougins,Les feux de l'hiver (J'ai lu Aventures Passions - Les introuvables t. 12654) (French Edition),J'ai Lu,Littérature sentimentale,Littérature érotique et sentimentale,Romance historique

Les feux de l'hiver J'ai lu Aventures Passions Les introuvables t 12654 French Edition edition by Johanna Lindsey Astrid Mougins Literature Fiction eBooks Reviews :

Les feux de l'hiver J'ai lu Aventures Passions Les introuvables t 12654 French Edition edition by Johanna Lindsey Astrid Mougins Literature Fiction eBooks Reviews

  • I read reviews on how others didn't like the rapes and so forth in this book. I read many of this authors books, and thought she must have went crazy on this one. I was glad there were not the graphic scenes the reviews lead me to believe there was. Were there rapes, slaves, killings? Yep. Was the way the Vikings were. Except for the two main characters, it is talked about some, not described. All in all, this is a book, not real life. I thought it well written and a good story.
  • Lots of rape. But it's an old Johanna Lindsey, so that's pretty par for the course. After about the fiftieth rape scene, I quit reading it, but I think it's safe to assume that the heroine managed to overcome the trauma of having her entire family slaughtered before her eyes, being kidnapped, and being raped repeatedly to eventually be seduced by and fall in love with Rapey the Viking Lord.....
  • I had some problems with this book that really irked me. There are spoilers ahead...

    Brenna's family is betrayed, the men are killed and the women carried off (yes, vikings, I know) All the women except for Brenna are gang raped on the voyage home. Worst of all for Brenna is she is given as a slave to the man she was supposed to marry. This man just kind of shrugs his shoulders and expects her to accept the situation. In fact, everyone including what's left of her family thinks she should just fall in line. Her aunt even says "Brenna never really grew up." WHAT!? If you don't want to be a slave, expected to do endless hard work and bend over for whatever drunk viking comes across you, you're obviously immature.

    The anti-hero hears her heart wrenching description of what happened when they were taken and feels kinda sorry for her, but oh well that's life. He treats her horribly, rapes her twice (vikings, don't forget) makes her life hell and when she is kidnapped and nearly dies trying to return to him he throws her out. This guy really has no redeeming qualities at all. No reason for Brenna to fall in love with him, but every reason to hate him. I was rooting for her to stab him in the eye. along with his father and brother for good measure.

    I didn't blame Brenna for her behavior at all. I was aghast at her aunt. Everyone is mad at Brenna because she won't break but I admired her. I wanted her to leave and go home because he didn't deserve her.

    The book is very well written so I gave it three stars instead of two, but I just couldn't buy into the romance.
  • I'm sure I read this many years ago - when I graduated high school, I worked at a bank where all the ladies read HR. I'm pretty sure I read all of Johanna Lindsey's early books. But forgetfulness is one of the few joys of aging in that it allows one to reread a book for the first time.

    This one is about Brenna, a Celt from Wales. She is promised to a Viking in an attempt to save her people from their raiding and killing. But Anselm, the Viking who promised his son to her, had no intention of allowing his son to marry a Celt. And so he attacks Brenna's home just after Brenna's father has been buried, kills all the men and takes Brenna, her aunt and her stepsister as captives.

    Brenna's father raised her as the son he never had, so she is skilled in riding, hunting and swordplay, and knows little about traditional women's work such as sewing and weaving.

    When the Viking ship reached Norway, Anselm gives Brenna to his son, Garrick, as a slave - he who she thought would have been her husband. Garrick distrusts all women because the Viking woman he wanted to marry had married a wealthy trader. Garrick has himself now become a wealthy trader.

    Because she was raised more as a male, Brenna has a fierce pride that will not allow her to accept her new condition as a slave. Nevertheless, she can't help noticing how attractive Garrick is.

    This is definitely an old-school book. Brenna isn't really unwilling to bed Garrick and she is certainly attracted to him, but on one occasion, he does take her very roughly in anger when she refuses him, Also, Brenna's aunt and stepsister are very blasé about being slaves. They do point out that they are not ill-treated and their lives are no worse than when they were free Celts.

    Nevertheless, it's an enjoyable story - it is fiction after all.
  • I couldn't help myself and purchased another Johanna Lindsey book which is generally historically romance novels. The history I'm sure isn't accurate but she does do a bit of research so not to throw a reader completely. She is a cheap romance novelist but I'm guilty of enjoying them nonetheless even after swearing I would never be one of those women. It is strange how things turn out. This story takes place up in the far north in Norse country where Garrick Haardrad's father travels under guise to the Celtic shores and does what Vikings do--he murdered the men, took the women and all their treasures to return home victoriously. He gave the strong-willed and beautiful Lady Breena to his son whom was away trading at the time. Garrick came home to find a beautiful woman filled with hatred in her heart and refusal to conform to her new life bound in his bed. I'm certain it was the pregnancy hormones but I found myself crying through most of the story especially towards the end. The Viking aspect made the story a bit more brutal than most women would enjoy as women took more of a subservient role and rape was common. However, in the end I was very much satisfied with the results and was quickly interested in seeing if there was more to the Haardrad's story. Turns out that Johanna Lindsey had continued to use the Vikings as inspiration for her books.
More aboutDownload PDF Les feux de l'hiver J'ai lu Aventures Passions Les introuvables t 12654 French Edition edition by Johanna Lindsey Astrid Mougins Literature Fiction eBooks

PDF Vorkurs Mathematik fur Ingenieure fur Dummies Fur Dummies [German] 9783527714209 Books

By Bryan Richards

PDF Vorkurs Mathematik fur Ingenieure fur Dummies Fur Dummies [German] 9783527714209 Books

Product details

  • Paperback
  • Language German
  • ISBN-10 3527714200

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Download PDF 10 Critical Steps to Making Your business a Profit Machine Mr Randy Rogers 9781091202320 Books

By Bryan Richards on Monday, 3 June 2019

Download PDF 10 Critical Steps to Making Your business a Profit Machine Mr Randy Rogers 9781091202320 Books

Download As PDF : 10 Critical Steps to Making Your business a Profit Machine Mr Randy Rogers 9781091202320 Books

Download PDF 10 Critical Steps to Making Your business a Profit Machine Mr Randy Rogers 9781091202320 Books

A systematic approach to making your business run efficiently and profitably. If you want to have a million dollar business, you need to know your fundamentals and put systems in place to run more effectively. There are a number of mistakes that novices and experienced business people fall into. Learn how to correct them and watch your profits grow exponentially.

Download PDF 10 Critical Steps to Making Your business a Profit Machine Mr Randy Rogers 9781091202320 Books


Product details

  • Paperback 138 pages
  • Publisher Independently published (March 22, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 109120232X

Read 10 Critical Steps to Making Your business a Profit Machine Mr Randy Rogers 9781091202320 Books

Tags : 10 Critical Steps to Making Your business a Profit Machine [Mr Randy Rogers] on . A systematic approach to making your business run efficiently and profitably. If you want to have a million dollar business,Mr Randy Rogers,10 Critical Steps to Making Your business a Profit Machine,Independently published,109120232X,BUSINESS ECONOMICS / Business Ethics,Business Economics / Entrepreneurship

10 Critical Steps to Making Your business a Profit Machine Mr Randy Rogers 9781091202320 Books Reviews :

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Download Huevos verdes con jamón Green Eggs and Ham Spanish Edition Beginner BooksR Dr Seuss Books

By Bryan Richards

Download Huevos verdes con jamón Green Eggs and Ham Spanish Edition Beginner BooksR Dr Seuss Books

Download As PDF : Huevos verdes con jamón Green Eggs and Ham Spanish Edition Beginner BooksR Dr Seuss Books

Download PDF Huevos verdes con jam&oacuten Green Eggs and Ham Spanish Edition Beginner BooksR Dr Seuss Books

¡Edición en español y rimada de uno de los clásicos favoritos de Dr. Seuss acerca de probar cosas nuevas!
«¿Te gustan los huevos verdes con jamón?», pregunta Juan Ramón en esta traducción cuidadosamente rimada del popular cuento de Dr. Seuss para primeros lectores. En esta historia acumulativa, la lista de lugares donde se puede disfrutar de unos sabrosos huevos verdes con jamón, en compañía de amigos, aumenta y es cada vez más divertida página a página. Únete a Juan Ramón y a su empeño por demostrar que este delicioso plato se puede disfrutar en cualquier lugar y a cualquier hora.
Creada por Dr. Seuss, la serie de libros para primeros lectores (Beginner Books) anima a los niños a leer ellos solos con palabras sencillas y divertidos dibujos que dan sentido a la lectura.

Las ediciones rimadas, en español, de los clásicos de Dr. Seuss, publicadas por Random House, brindan la maravillosa oportunidad de disfrutar de sus historias a más de treinta y ocho millones de personas hispanohablantes en Estados Unidos. Los lectores podrán divertirse con las ediciones en español de The Cat in the Hat (El Gato Ensombrerado); Green Eggs and Ham (Huevos verdes con jamón); One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish (Un pez, dos peces, pez rojo, pez azul); The Lorax (El Lórax); Oh, the Places You'll Go! (¡Oh, cuán lejos llegarás!); How the Grinch Stole Christmas! (¡Cómo el Grinch robó la Navidad!); The Cat in the Hat Comes Back
(El Gato Ensombrerado ha regresado); I Can Read With My Eyes Shut! (¡Yo puedo leer con los ojos cerrados!); Horton Hears a Who! (¡Horton escucha a Quién!); And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street (Y pensar que lo vi por la calle Porvenir); The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins (Los 500 sombreros de Bartolomé Cubbins); There's A Wocket in my Pocket! (¡Hay un Molillo en mi Bolsillo!); Mr. Brown Can Moo! Can You? (¡El Sr. Brown hace Muuu! ¿Podrías hacerlo tú?); Ten Apples on Top! (¡Diez manzanas en la cabeza!); What Pet Should I Get? (¿Cómo podré decidir qué mascota elegir?); y Yertle the Turtle and Other Stories (Yoruga la Tortuga y otros cuentos). Además, se publicarán nuevas ediciones en español ¡todos los años!

A rhymed, Spanish translation of Dr. Seuss's beloved classic about trying new things!

"Do you like green eggs and ham?" asks Sam-I-am in this rhymed, Spanish translation of Dr. Seuss's beloved beginning reader. In this most famous of cumulative tales, the list of places to enjoy green eggs and ham—and friends to enjoy them with—gets longer and funnier on every page. Follow Sam-I-am as he insists that this unusual treat is indeed a delectable snack to be savored everywhere and in every way.

Originally created by Dr. Seuss, Beginner Books encourage children to read all by themselves, with simple words and illustrations that give clues to their meaning.

Random House's rhymed, Spanish-language editions of classic Dr. Seuss books make the joyful experience of reading Dr. Seuss books available for the more than 38 million people in the United States who speak Spanish. Readers can enjoy The Cat in the Hat (El Gato Ensombrerado); Green Eggs and Ham (Huevos verdes con jamón); One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish (Un pez, dos peces, pez rojo, pez azul); The Lorax (El Lórax); Oh, the Places You'll Go! (¡Oh, cuán lejos llegarás!); How the Grinch Stole Christmas! (¡Cómo el Grinch robó la Navidad!); The Cat in the Hat Comes Back (El Gato Ensombrerado ha regresado); I Can Read With My Eyes Shut! (¡Yo puedo leer con los ojos cerrados!); Horton Hears a Who! (¡Horton escucha a Quién!); And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street (Y pensar que lo vi por la calle Porvenir); The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins (Los 500 sombreros de Bartolomé Cubbins); There's A Wocket in my Pocket! (¡Hay un Molillo en mi Bolsillo!); Mr. Brown Can Moo! Can You? (¡El Sr. Brown hace Muuu! ¿Podrías hacerlo tú?); Ten Apples on Top! (¡Diez manzanas en la cabeza!); What Pet Should I Get? (¿Cómo podré decidir qué mascota elegir?); and Yertle the Turtle and Other Stories (Yoruga la Tortuga y otros cuentos). Expect new translations to be made available every year!

Download Huevos verdes con jamón Green Eggs and Ham Spanish Edition Beginner BooksR Dr Seuss Books


Product details

  • Age Range 3 - 7 years
  • Grade Level Preschool - 2
  • Series Beginner Books(R)
  • Hardcover 72 pages
  • Publisher Random House Books for Young Readers (March 26, 2019)
  • Language Spanish
  • ISBN-10 0525707239

Read Huevos verdes con jam&oacuten Green Eggs and Ham Spanish Edition Beginner BooksR Dr Seuss Books

Tags : Huevos verdes con jamón (Green Eggs and Ham Spanish Edition) (Beginner Books(R)) (9780525707233) Dr. Seuss Books,Dr. Seuss,Huevos verdes con jamón (Green Eggs and Ham Spanish Edition) (Beginner Books(R)),Random House Books for Young Readers,0525707239,Food,Nonsense verses,Spanish language materials,Stories in rhyme,Easy Fiction,JUVENILE,JUVENILE FICTION / Classics,JUVENILE FICTION / Concepts / Counting Numbers,JUVENILE FICTION / Humorous Stories,Juvenile Fiction/Classics,Juvenile Fiction/Humorous Stories,Spanish Grades 1-2,spanish childrens books;spanish books;spanish for kids;spanish books for kids;books in spanish;spanish books for toddlers;childrens books in spanish;kids books in spanish;spanish english children's books;childrens books spanish;spanish for children;libros;libros en espanol;spanish baby books;baby books in spanish;books in spanish for kids;libros en espanol para ninos;libros para bebes en espanol;libros para bebes;picture books;childrens books by age 3-5;books for 2 year olds;kids books ages 2-4,spanish childrens books; spanish books; spanish for kids; spanish books for kids; books in spanish; spanish books for toddlers; childrens books in spanish; kids books in spanish; spanish english children's books; childrens books spanish; spanish for children; libros; libros en espanol; spanish baby books; baby books in spanish; books in spanish for kids; libros en espanol para ninos; libros para bebes en espanol; libros para bebes; picture books; childrens books by age 3-5; books for 2 year olds; kids books ages 2-4

Huevos verdes con jamón Green Eggs and Ham Spanish Edition Beginner BooksR Dr Seuss Books Reviews :

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Download 55 Corrective Exercises for Horses Resolving Postural Problems Improving Movement Patterns and Preventing Injury Jec Aristotle Ballou 9781570768675 Books

By Bryan Richards

Download 55 Corrective Exercises for Horses Resolving Postural Problems Improving Movement Patterns and Preventing Injury Jec Aristotle Ballou 9781570768675 Books

Download As PDF : 55 Corrective Exercises for Horses Resolving Postural Problems Improving Movement Patterns and Preventing Injury Jec Aristotle Ballou 9781570768675 Books

Download PDF 55 Corrective Exercises for Horses Resolving Postural Problems Improving Movement Patterns and Preventing Injury Jec Aristotle Ballou 9781570768675 Books

Over time, horses (like people) acquire postural habits, compensate for soreness and injury, and develop poor movement patterns. This limits performance ability, causes unsoundness and health issues, and ultimately undermines the horse's overall well–being.

Jec Aristotle Ballou has made a name for herself advocating for the horse and providing sensible instruction in his schooling, conditioning, and care. Her bestselling books and popular clinics are designed to enable any horse person to correctly apply proven principles that bring measurable progress while avoiding boredom and confusion. In her latest collection of mounted and unmounted corrective exercises, Ballou demonstrates how we can actively work to improve the horse's posture and movement, whether he is an active performance or pleasure mount, an aging or older horse that benefits from gentle exercise, or one being rehabilitated following injury, illness, or lack of conditioning. Ballou's positive cross–training techniques are free of shortcuts, and her guidelines for analyzing the horse's posture and way of going help readers gain a new awareness of the equine body. Applicable for all disciplines, this is an integral collection that optimizes how the horse uses his body and helps ensure he stays sounder and healthier for more years of his life.

Download 55 Corrective Exercises for Horses Resolving Postural Problems Improving Movement Patterns and Preventing Injury Jec Aristotle Ballou 9781570768675 Books

"I just received the book so may have more to say later. Lots of information & the book is well organized & the binding is functional. My criticism is I can't find a bibliography or resource reference like in her other book. I very much miss having these."

Product details

  • Hardcover 184 pages
  • Publisher Trafalgar Square Books; 1 edition (June 5, 2018)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1570768676

Read 55 Corrective Exercises for Horses Resolving Postural Problems Improving Movement Patterns and Preventing Injury Jec Aristotle Ballou 9781570768675 Books

Tags : 55 Corrective Exercises for Horses Resolving Postural Problems, Improving Movement Patterns, and Preventing Injury [Jec Aristotle Ballou] on . <div> Over time, horses (like people) acquire postural habits, compensate for soreness and injury,Jec Aristotle Ballou,55 Corrective Exercises for Horses Resolving Postural Problems, Improving Movement Patterns, and Preventing Injury,Trafalgar Square Books,1570768676,Equestrian,Horses,Veterinary Medicine - Equine,Horses - Exercise,Horses - Training,Horses;Exercise.,Horses;Training.,EQUESTRIAN SPORTS,EQUINE MEDICINE,GENERAL,General Adult,MEDICAL / Veterinary Medicine / Equine,Medical/Veterinary Medicine - Equine,Non-Fiction,PETS / Horses,Pets/Horses,SPORTS RECREATION / Equestrian,Sports,Sports Recreation,United States,jec ballou; sport horses; horse care; horse soundness; horse back riding; horse injuries,jec ballou;sport horses;horse care;horse soundness;horse back riding;horse injuries

55 Corrective Exercises for Horses Resolving Postural Problems Improving Movement Patterns and Preventing Injury Jec Aristotle Ballou 9781570768675 Books Reviews :

55 Corrective Exercises for Horses Resolving Postural Problems Improving Movement Patterns and Preventing Injury Jec Aristotle Ballou 9781570768675 Books Reviews

  • Bought this book on a whim, with no reviews. This book is great! Exercises for every age and level of horse, and programs for everything from rehabbing soft tissue injuries to maintaining seniors to starting young horses out on the right track. Many exercises require ground poles and risers, but there are also plenty that do not require any special equipment. Everything is very nicely explained in terms of how to do the exercise, what they will accomplish, and possible modifications. Truly a great resource to have around, keeps groundwork interesting for horse and human, and works communication between horse and rider while achieving balance, proprioception, strengthening the core and targeted muscle groups, and adding tools to your rehab toolbox.
  • Lots of great exercises to try with your horse. I really like Jec Ballou's books and this one did not disappoint. Highly recommend it, even if your horse doesn't need "correction." Lots of exercises to add to your current riding routine.
  • I just received the book so may have more to say later. Lots of information & the book is well organized & the binding is functional. My criticism is I can't find a bibliography or resource reference like in her other book. I very much miss having these.
  • Easy to understand exercises and routines to help prevent or recover from injury. I especially like that it tells you what to do, how long to do it, and gives you routines to help your horse move and feel it's best. There is riding exercises, ground exercises, and bodywork included. My horses really enjoy to programs in this book.
  • I am reading this book in the winter (Minnesota). As soon as it warms up, I will be trying out exercises with my horse. Photos & detailed, short descriptions that are easy to understand.
  • It's an excellent book. It is helping my OTTB get balanced and is strengthening my senior.
  • Well written with great respect for the reader's intelligence. Versatile exercises I am using for both my riding horses and my retired horses. The horses seem to enjoy the tasks and perk up as we do them! Good descriptions both written and illustrated. I highly recommend this book and bought a 2nd one as a gift for a good horse friend.
  • Great book with great, well-described exercises. Only problem is not having all of the types of terrain called for in the book.
More aboutDownload 55 Corrective Exercises for Horses Resolving Postural Problems Improving Movement Patterns and Preventing Injury Jec Aristotle Ballou 9781570768675 Books

Read Sommets des Pyrénées Collectif 9782344034002 Books

By Bryan Richards

Read Sommets des Pyrénées Collectif 9782344034002 Books

Product details

  • Paperback
  • Publisher Rando Editions (April 19, 2019)
  • Language French
  • ISBN-10 2344034005

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Ebook Star Wars Icons Han Solo Gina McIntyre 9781683834960 Books

By Bryan Richards

Ebook Star Wars Icons Han Solo Gina McIntyre 9781683834960 Books

Download As PDF : Star Wars Icons Han Solo Gina McIntyre 9781683834960 Books

Download PDF Star Wars Icons Han Solo Gina McIntyre 9781683834960 Books

Discover the incredible story behind the creation and legacy of one of Star Wars’ most beloved characters with Star Wars Icons Han Solo

Smuggler. Rogue. Hero of the Rebellion. Scruffy-looking nerf herder. Han Solo has been called all these things and more since making his debut in the original Star Wars film back in 1977. Four decades later, the irrepressible Solo continues to be one of the most iconic and enduring elements of the saga. 

Star Wars Icons Han Solo covers the character’s entire journey, from his genesis in George Lucas’s first drafts of Star Wars to Harrison Ford’s iconic performances in the original three films and The Force Awakens, and the character’s rebirth in Solo A Star Wars Story. The book also takes an in-depth look at Solo’s role in the Star Wars expanded universe, through novels, comics, video games, and more, and the indelible impression the character has made on pop culture. 

Illustrated with a treasure trove of rare and previously unseen imagery, including candid on-set photography and stunning concept art, this deluxe volume also features exclusive new interviews with Harrison Ford, Alden Ehrenreich, Mark Hamill, Billy Dee Williams, Peter Mayhew, Ron Howard, J. J. Abrams, Lawrence Kasdan, Jonathan Kasdan, and many more key creatives. 

Comprehensive and revelatory, this is the definitive book for Han Solo fans across the galaxy.


Ebook Star Wars Icons Han Solo Gina McIntyre 9781683834960 Books

"Great book."

Product details

  • Hardcover 224 pages
  • Publisher Insight Editions; Media Tie In edition (April 2, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1683834968

Read Star Wars Icons Han Solo Gina McIntyre 9781683834960 Books

Tags : Star Wars Icons Han Solo [Gina McIntyre] on . Discover the incredible story behind the creation and legacy of one of <I>Star Wars</I>’ most beloved characters with <I>Star Wars Icons Han Solo</I>. <BR><BR>Smuggler. Rogue. Hero of the Rebellion. Scruffy-looking nerf herder. Han Solo has been called all these things and more since making his debut in the original <I>Star Wars</I> film back in 1977. Four decades later,Gina McIntyre,Star Wars Icons Han Solo,Insight Editions,1683834968,ART / Popular Culture,Art/Popular Culture,Cinema-Film,GENERAL,General Adult,History,MOTION PICTURE DIRECTING AND PRODUCING,MOTION PICTURES OF SPECIFIC GENRES,Non-Fiction,Oversize Format,PERFORMING ARTS / Film / Genres / General,PERFORMING ARTS / Film / History Criticism,POPULAR CULTURE,Performing Arts/Film - History Criticism,Pictorial treatment,United States

Star Wars Icons Han Solo Gina McIntyre 9781683834960 Books Reviews :

Star Wars Icons Han Solo Gina McIntyre 9781683834960 Books Reviews

  • This not a novel. It is more like the various Star Wars encyclopedias but devoted (almost exclusively) to the character of Han Solo. It basically spans from the early concept of the character from notes and excerpts of early drafts of the script for what would ultimately become A New Hope, through to the Solo A Star Wars Story movie. It discusses the casting of Harrison Ford, how the character evolved over the course of the original trilogy and even how the character was written in the expanded universe novels and comics. There is also a section on other characters from movies and TV shows that were inspired by the character, or outright clones of the character.

    Throughout the course of the book, you really get a history of Star Wars in general. It contains quotes from Harrison Ford and Mark Hamill as well as George Lucas, Peter Mayhew, Billy Dee Williams, and many of the other actors. It seems that at least some were interviewed for the book, but it is possible at least some of the quotes were collected from interviews that occurred over time. There is a lot of good insight into Ford's well-publicized feelings about the character, and the role. It was really the role that propelled him to stardom and was the reason that he could not go out in public as much, which seemed to the basis of some of his hard feelings toward the character. It was also interesting to read about the advice he gave to Alden Ehrenreich about how to handle playing the character.

    Overall, it is not necessarily a book that you will read word-for-word, cover-to-cover. It is definitely something that you will pick and choose portions of to read. There are a ton of great pictures throughout the book, including early sketches of concept art, behind-the-scenes photos and production stills, and pictures of the various toys and other memorabilia which existed over the years. Some of the pictures fold out from the pages almost centerfold style, sometimes there are drawing sheets attached to the pages, so you definitely want to be careful going through it otherwise you may accidentally tear some of the pages and/or inserts.

    It is a great character history, as well as giving a large chunk of Star Wars history overall. If you are a fan of the various movies, TV shows, novels, or even just a big fan of the character, it is definitely worth picking up.
  • This book is much better than I expected. I was wary of the initial presale price of $50, and when it dropped to $32 I was happy but also worried about just how good it was going to be. Well...it turns out I would have been elated with it even if it HAD cost $50. It's a treasure trove. The layout is beautiful and the photos are all large and gorgeous. Speaking of photos, a good amount of the ones I've seen so far (having browsed through less than half of the book so far) are ones I'd never seen before...and I've seen a LOT of Star Wars photographs.

    In short, I'd give it 6 stars out of 5 if I could...and I haven't even started READING it yet! I'd count it as a must-have among serious Star Wars book collectors.
  • This book rocks! It follows one of the best Star Wars characters Han Solo, from the movies to the novels and comic books. So much info and lots of pics, new and old. I've been collecting Star Wars memorabilia for decades now and this book has it all.
  • Added pics to show fold-out inserts..
  • Very informative as far as a Star Wars fan is concerned.
  • Great book.
  • Very informative with artwork behind the scenes photos and fold out mini posters
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