Download Biology Life on Earth Teresa Audesirk Bruce E Byers Books

* By Joseph Chinnici, Virginia Commonwealth University, and Susan M. Wadkowski, Lakeland Community College. - This essential study tool will help students think through the biological concepts and reinforce key concepts presented in the text. If offers a wide range of study exercises and self-tests.
Download Biology Life on Earth Teresa Audesirk Bruce E Byers Books
"I was skeptical about reading other reviews on this book saying it was "bad" and didn't make any sense, but I'm going to agree with them on this one. My class for college required that I purchase this book and so I have no other choice to read this book. I'm reading the first chapter and I don't understand how on earth (no pun intended) they made basic biology so confusing. I've taken biology before so this isn't particularly new to me but this book makes it seems so confusing and difficult to understand. I'm literally in the middle of reading Chapter 1 but I just had to stop to write this review because reading this textbook anymore is just going to make me angry.
Do not buy this book or make the mistake of taking a class that requires this book. It's obviously too early in the game, but dropping this class may have to be an option for me.
EDIT 4/13/15: So it's the end of the semester for me, and I thought I'd at least give a short post review. Previously I had given the book a 1/5 stars, but I think it's a solid 3 now. Biology is a difficult and complex subject and so it really isn't the easiest to teach. I found that the chapter reviews at the end of every chapter really helped me solidify the information. That + whatever in-class material you have should definitely suffice for an A. It's not the easiest book, so you might have to re-read a paragraph here and there."
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Tags : Biology Life on Earth (9780130936554) Teresa Audesirk, Bruce E. Byers Books,Teresa Audesirk, Bruce E. Byers,Biology Life on Earth,Pearson College Div,0130936553,Science Nature - Biology,Biology, life sciences,Children Young Adult (Gr. 10-12),JUVENILE,Juvenile Grades 10-12 Ages 15+,Juvenile Non-Fiction,YOUNG ADULT NONFICTION,YOUNG ADULT NONFICTION / Science Nature / Biology
Biology Life on Earth Teresa Audesirk Bruce E Byers Books Reviews :
Biology Life on Earth Teresa Audesirk Bruce E Byers Books Reviews
- I was skeptical about reading other reviews on this book saying it was "bad" and didn't make any sense, but I'm going to agree with them on this one. My class for college required that I purchase this book and so I have no other choice to read this book. I'm reading the first chapter and I don't understand how on earth (no pun intended) they made basic biology so confusing. I've taken biology before so this isn't particularly new to me but this book makes it seems so confusing and difficult to understand. I'm literally in the middle of reading Chapter 1 but I just had to stop to write this review because reading this textbook anymore is just going to make me angry.
Do not buy this book or make the mistake of taking a class that requires this book. It's obviously too early in the game, but dropping this class may have to be an option for me.
EDIT 4/13/15 So it's the end of the semester for me, and I thought I'd at least give a short post review. Previously I had given the book a 1/5 stars, but I think it's a solid 3 now. Biology is a difficult and complex subject and so it really isn't the easiest to teach. I found that the chapter reviews at the end of every chapter really helped me solidify the information. That + whatever in-class material you have should definitely suffice for an A. It's not the easiest book, so you might have to re-read a paragraph here and there. - I bought this textbook for my biology class (yay, gen eds!) and I was expecting it to be boring. It was. But at least it wasn't as miserable or confusing as many other textbooks I had the misfortune of reading.
As far as textbooks go, this one is great. It's about average page length and chapter length. The pages are fairly sturdy and don't wrinkle as easily as a normal book's pages do. It has a nice, clean layout with lots of graphs and charts to help the visual learner. The information is always relevant to the chapter titles, and the content doesn't deviate much from other types of biology textbooks.
A note for students whose classes may be asking for the 10th edition this book is almost exactly the same. Some small sections are switched around, but the chapters are otherwise exactly the same and even in the same order. I really suggest you save yourself a couple hundred bucks and buy this one instead. You won't be missing anything. - As an undergraduate, I dreaded taking Biology. Science was never my strong suit and frankly, it bored me. Using this textbook, I took an introductory Bio class (with lab) over the summer. I did well and I actually retained the information. This book is set up in such a way that it incorporates real world incidents (blood doping, plagues, scientific discoveries) into the material to make it RELEVANT. I always questioned why I should even bother with science or math when I would never use it out in the real world, but that is infinitely not true.
Sometimes people observe things without question. That's me... and thanks to this textbook, I am striving to not take things for granted. - This was the required text for my community college "General Biology" class. I found it to be an excellent and easy to understand textbook. Very readable. It had 2-3 times more material than was covered in the lectures, as well. Good explanatory sidebars, excellent end-of-chapter reviews.
I missed an entire week of lectures, crammed from the book the night before the test, and still got 95%. - I just finished reading g the first chapter. It really didn't seem too complicated or confusing. However, it was only the first chapter. I purchased this text because I had to. I was lucky enough to find a great deal for a brand new one. It came in very well wrapped. I'll update my review on this textbook by the end of this class.
- The book arrived in a timely manner. It was an old book, hardback. Worked great for my class.
- The book was pretty rough on the outside partly torn cover the spine was coming off the book. Yet the inside of the book was in great condition. Overall I am okay with the book.
- Book was in mint condition figuring that I just got it in the mail and it came a little damaged, per the pictures. Otherwise it was great, just what I needed for my Biology course.