» Ebook None So Blind LJ Maas 9781933113449 Books
Bryan Richards on Tuesday, 30 April 2019
Ebook None So Blind LJ Maas 9781933113449 Books

Product details - Paperback 268 pages
- Publisher Intaglio Publications (January 30, 2006)
- Language English
- ISBN-10 1933113448

None So Blind LJ Maas 9781933113449 Books Reviews
- ***No Synopsis***
I read this book about seven years ago in paperback and I noticed it while browsing on my . I had completely forgotten about it until I read the first scene and it all came back to me. I love this book. I thought the character were very well developed and because there are so many flashbacks to when the women first met in college, i could see how they matured over time. It was interesting to see their weaknesses turned into strengths.
I also thought the relationship between Torrey and her teenage daughter was spot on. I know that the mother/daughter relationship can be a cliché, but this one had some really nice layers to it. I also liked that the topic of addiction and recovery was handled realistically. That could have easily been turned into melodrama, but it was portrayed in the realistic light that it deserves. The formatting of the text on my seemed a bit off, but that could just have been my issue. I loved this book the first time and I appreciated it even more the second time around. - Once I started reading it,I could not put it down. I started in the evening and finished the next morning. Unlike many books that I have read, I felt the characters were real/realistic and I felt like I was getting a privileged peek into their innermost thoughts and feelings. The relationship's development was slow and methodically developed by the author. The other characters were well drawn and there were events in the book that brought tears to my eyes (NOT a common occurrence with me when reading lesbian romances). Also, the flashbacks worked very well in showing the reader the incredible and complex history that the two women shared and why the path to togetherness was so difficult. A really beautiful story.
- I have loved this book for 16 years. I was so glad fo find it again. From the first time to the last time, this book remains one of my all time favorites. I encourage any and everyone to read it. True love will always win.
- Although I'm not an avid reader of this genre, the story held my interest throughout. There were tearjerker moments, which is odd for me and the relationships between the characters was believable. I won't reveal any of the plot of the story, but all in all a good read and I find myself returning to this book every few months or so.
- Just loved it! Refreshing. Full of depth to each character, none outshine the other. Gotta love this author! Can't wait for more
- I found this book through someone's review on another book I was checking and the person said to check this one out, so I did right away. Im glad I did because it was well worth the read.
- Terrific news for those looking for this novel, it is back in print (January 2006) in a newly edited edition from the Intaglio publishing house. [...]
This romance has such depth of character that I read it at least once a year. I find myself putting the book down while I read just to absorb what is happening as the women's feelings and thoughts are so real to the reader.
The story stretches over 18 years and the American continent from Maine to California. The women find themselves college roommates and the story takes them through adulthood to their mid 30's.
Do not miss this story and buy a copy for a friend who loves romance!
Here is the summary from the publisher's website - Torrey Gray hasn't seen the woman she fell in love with in college for 15 years. Taylor Kent, now a celebrated artist, has spent the years trying to forget, albeit unsuccessfully, the young woman who walked out of Taylor's life.
Best friends forever, neither woman ever had the courage to speak of the passion they felt for one another. Now, an unusual but desperate request will throw the old friends together again. This time, will they be able to voice their unspoken desires, or has time become their enemy? - Lj Mass is an amazing story teller. I have read a few of her other books and that's how I came to find this one - just searching for the author --- I love a book you don't want to put down... this was this book and it's worth 5 stars.