PDF THE ONLY PATH A Memoir Dick Dorworth 9781634926591 Books

Dorworth has written elsewhere, "We were young ski racers in 1953, boys in love with an activity that took me out of myself and into a world of mountains, snow, crystal clean air and focused vision, out of the anger, confusion, and encompassing fury of my particular set of circumstances within a rage-filled generation. Skiing and, more specifically, ski racing probably saved my life, allowing me to grow into a social critic instead of the sociopath I might have become in response to society’s violent and small-minded hypocrisies, pretensions, and shallow smugness. Skiing kept anger, adolescent hormones, and confusion in check enough to focus on a path that was to take me skiing all over the world. It formed and informed my life at least as much as the dynamics of family, the structure of schools, the warmth and generosity of true friends, the betrayals of false friends, and the other (and normal) vicissitudes of life."
The Only Path is a depiction of how that love saved him from dysfunction, alcoholism, and alienation.
PDF THE ONLY PATH A Memoir Dick Dorworth 9781634926591 Books
"A gifted writer and explorer of all dimensions, I love the sense of adventure in Dorworth's books. His newest sheds light not only into his evolving character but onto larger issues Americans were struggling with in the 60's and 70's. Skiing professionally was his vehicle to see beyond the hubris and here he reflects and shares personal stories and insights toward persevering toward a path true to himself."
Product details

Tags : THE ONLY PATH A Memoir [Dick Dorworth] on . Dorworth has written elsewhere, "We were young ski racers in 1953, boys in love with an activity that took me out of myself and into a world of mountains,Dick Dorworth,THE ONLY PATH A Memoir,Booklocker.com, Inc.,1634926595,Biography Autobiography General,Biography Autobiography/General,Memoir,Memoir; skiing; mountains; self-discovery; self-awareness; consciousness; the hidden consequences of war; family secrets.,SPORTS RECREATION / General,SPORTS RECREATION / Skiing,Sports Recreation Skiing - General,mountains,skiing
THE ONLY PATH A Memoir Dick Dorworth 9781634926591 Books Reviews :
THE ONLY PATH A Memoir Dick Dorworth 9781634926591 Books Reviews
- The old man of the mountain leads the way to peaceful living in the mountains. Approaching 80, he still leads 5.11 and skis the toughest terrain. He must be doing something right...
- You suspend your memoir when you are twenty years old? Really, Dick? You get us all involved in your family, your loves, ski racing, Chile, Tahoe, Reno, those great characters, and then you leave us standing by the side of the road with nowhere to go. Much as Charlotte left you, and us with no Ron Funk appearing out of nowhere to help us through.
You’re teasing us, Dick. You knew everyone in the skiing and climbing world. You gave us a glimpse of Durrance and Robbins. When are we going to read about the rest of them? Beattie. Dougal Haston. Chouinard. About Yosemite and Sun Valley. Drinking, drugging, skiing, night driving. Buddhism. Huh? When?
You left us with blue balls.
I’m bummed and thrilled both. Bummed that my curiosity and pleasure won’t be gratified today, and thrilled that I have the next fifty years of your tales to look forward to. And unlike with the first twenty, I assume you’ll have your journals to consult. You won’t have to rely wholly on your memory. Or was it your dreams or your imagination. Whatever the source of these wonderful stories.
Man, the way you write. The richness of it. The density. Your insights. I’m giving The Only Path a provisional 10. Provisional because we don’t want you to rest on your laurels. Not that you will. Not that you ever have.
Tell us there’ll be new installments. There will be, won’t there, Dick? - A gifted writer and explorer of all dimensions, I love the sense of adventure in Dorworth's books. His newest sheds light not only into his evolving character but onto larger issues Americans were struggling with in the 60's and 70's. Skiing professionally was his vehicle to see beyond the hubris and here he reflects and shares personal stories and insights toward persevering toward a path true to himself.
- More great writing from Dick Dorworth!