Ebook Mrs PiggleWiggle Farm Betty MacDonald Maurice Sendak 9780064401500 Books

Ms. Piggle-Wiggle's left her upside-down town house and has moved to a farm in the country. With the help of her cows and pigs and horses, she's still curing girls and boys of their bad habits. So whatever the problem-from pet forgetter-itis to fraidycat-ness-the parents all exclaim, "Better call Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle!"
Ebook Mrs PiggleWiggle Farm Betty MacDonald Maurice Sendak 9780064401500 Books
"I got this book for my seven-year-old son. We read at night before he goes to bed and since he is getting older we switch to Junior chapter books. This is a very good read and my seven-year-old son loved the different stories. The chapters are not too long so you can read one chapter every two nights. The only drawback about this book is that it is an old-fashioned type of book so some of the words are out of date and I had to explain the meaning of some of the words to my son. This did not in anyway take away from the story in fact it made us talk about it more and the time that these words were used. We have gotten through almost the entire series at this point and I have not been disappointed. The book was in very good condition and we enjoyed reading it a lot."
Product details

Tags : Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle's Farm [Betty MacDonald, Maurice Sendak] on . Ms. Piggle-Wiggle's left her upside-down town house and has moved to a farm in the country. With the help of her cows and pigs and horses,Betty MacDonald, Maurice Sendak,Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle's Farm,HarperCollins,0064401502,JUV039200,Classics,Humorous Stories,Social Issues - Manners Etiquette,Behavior;Fiction.,Human behavior;Fiction.,Humorous stories.,Behavior,Children's Books/Ages 4-8 Fiction,Children Grades 3-4,Fiction,JUVENILE,Juvenile Fiction,Juvenile Fiction / Classics,Juvenile Fiction / Humorous Stories,Juvenile Fiction / Social Themes / Manners Etiquette,Juvenile Grades 3-4 Ages 8-9,Children Grades 1-2
Mrs PiggleWiggle Farm Betty MacDonald Maurice Sendak 9780064401500 Books Reviews :
Mrs PiggleWiggle Farm Betty MacDonald Maurice Sendak 9780064401500 Books Reviews
- As a child, one of my favorite books to be read from and then to read myself were Betty MacDonald's "Mrs Piggle-Wiggle" series. Of course, I was living in the early 1950's and lived in a neighborhood where we all played outside, unsupervised, after school. The dads went off to work, and the moms stayed home with the kids. It really was a simpler time - but not a time I'd like to go back to. I have an almost three year old granddaughter and wanted to see if she might like the books - in a few years.The other day I downloaded the audio version of the first of the series, "Mrs Piggle Wiggle" and listened to it. I was just as delighted to hear it 60 years later.
It's always interesting to read or listen to a book that was written contemporaneously. This series, in particular, would be fobbed off as "politically incorrect" if published today, about today's world. It was a picture of a purer, more innocent time and that was how much of the country lived in the post-WW2 years. But, here's the thing the times might have been more innocent but human nature doesn't change. Children still worry about the same things as we, their grandparents did, and still don't pick up their toys or bathe enough. They still go through stages where they talk back to the parents and teachers, and I don't think the "selfish gene" has been scrubbed from human reproduction. Betty MacDonald's parents and children - and Mrs Piggle Wiggle - are the parents and children of today. Addiction, violence and poverty have added to our problems but there was always a bit of that in the past. Hiding under our desks at school from the threat of nuclear war - like our wooden desks were really going to save us - and diseases that were rampant back then have been eradicated by cures. Betty MacDonald's wonderful stories full of interesting characters are as timely now as they were 60 years ago.
By the way, did you know that Betty MacDonald wrote the adult book, "The Egg and I"? That was one of four "adult" books she wrote, in addition to the children's books she wrote. - Honestly, with cures like "whisper sticks" for whispering and "show-off powder" for the corresponding symptoms, this book is hard to beat. It's fun as a parent to read to my little person and he/she (6) loves to read it to him/herself. Understand that there may be some objections from parents regarding the conveyed parental methodology but the magic involved with symptom curing is super fun- and funny!
- My 4 and 5 year old grandson's are captivated by these stories. After finishing one, they will often plead for "just one more!!!".
I am thrilled to be able to share Mr. Piggle-Wiggle with them because these books were among my favorites when I was their age. It is a delight that though we are generations apart, we can enjoy these stories together.
As I read the stories aloud to the boys, it is common for them to interrupt with really good questions and comments regarding the behavior of a particular character, and/or the effect that their behavior is having on other characters in the story. The scenarios are ridiculously silly and fun but they address behavioral challenges that are common to kids of every generation, and while Mrs. Piggle-Wiggles remedies are not realistic, the challenges depicted, will often afford me an opportunity to reinforce manners and the importance of good behavior, in an abstract, non confrontational, and fun way. - I got this book for my seven-year-old son. We read at night before he goes to bed and since he is getting older we switch to Junior chapter books. This is a very good read and my seven-year-old son loved the different stories. The chapters are not too long so you can read one chapter every two nights. The only drawback about this book is that it is an old-fashioned type of book so some of the words are out of date and I had to explain the meaning of some of the words to my son. This did not in anyway take away from the story in fact it made us talk about it more and the time that these words were used. We have gotten through almost the entire series at this point and I have not been disappointed. The book was in very good condition and we enjoyed reading it a lot.
- Cross-posted on Tween Book Blog
Why I picked it up I loved this books as an elementary school student and they are still some of my favorite stories to read to myself or aloud.
Why I finished it This short chapter book has been charming both children and adults for over sixty years. They are silly, fun, imaginative, and relatable for readers of all ages. How many of us didn't like picking up our toys, or talked back, or fought with our siblings, or knew of someone who did. The cures themselves are perhaps a little over the top in some cases, but they have become just as well known as the woman who 'prescribes' them. Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle and the children she helps are somewhat inspiring, encouraging the reader to think outside the box to solve problems. Now, I probably wouldn't go as far as to plant radishes on a child that doesn't bathe, but the point is that there is more than one angle with which we can address issues. It teaches us a lesson about the way we act toward each other and how we interact with the world at large. They're classic stories that are well-loved by generations and will continue to entertain both children and adults for many more years to come. - Bought this book for my 8 year old daughter and she really enjoys it. It is about the right reading level for her and it holds her attention well. Story line is cute and each chapter has great morals/lessons. What I like about this book is she can read a chapter without me and I can jump back in and not feel like I missed anything or need to be filled in. Each chapter is a separate story and doesn't tie into the next.