Read Online The Manhattan Nobody Knows An Urban Walking Guide eBook William B Helmreich

By Bryan Richards on Sunday 28 April 2019

Read Online The Manhattan Nobody Knows An Urban Walking Guide eBook William B Helmreich

Product details

  • File Size 108667 KB
  • Print Length 376 pages
  • Publisher Princeton University Press; with French flaps edition (December 11, 2018)
  • Publication Date December 11, 2018
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English

The Manhattan Nobody Knows An Urban Walking Guide eBook William B Helmreich Reviews

  • Great book, fabulous series. I recommend the audible version of the New York Nobody Know. After a while it makes you start to look at your own neighborhood more closely and think like a sociologist.
  • Beautiful book! Full of hidden places in NYC.
    Highly recommend
  • I loved it!