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By Bryan Richards on Friday, 24 May 2019

PDF MIKE REILLY Finding My Voice Tales From IRONMAN the World Greatest Endurance Event Mike Reilly Lee Gruenfeld Bob Babbitt 9781733747820 Books

Download As PDF : MIKE REILLY Finding My Voice Tales From IRONMAN the World Greatest Endurance Event Mike Reilly Lee Gruenfeld Bob Babbitt 9781733747820 Books

Download PDF MIKE REILLY Finding My Voice Tales From IRONMAN the World Greatest Endurance Event Mike Reilly Lee Gruenfeld Bob Babbitt 9781733747820 Books

IRONMAN is a sports phenomenon that has come to symbolize the very best of human striving, achievement and excellence. And race announcer Mike Reilly is known throughout the endurance sports world as the “Voice of IRONMAN.”

Every year, over three hundred thousand people around the world compete in a series of long-distance triathlons that test the outer limits of their physical abilities and mental toughness. Some do it for glory, some to test themselves, some to honor lost loved ones or colleagues, some to bring healing to their troubled lives.

Over the years, hundreds of IRONMAN athletes have shared their tales with Reilly. In this book, he tells some of the stories that have touched and inspired him, in the hope that they will do the same for the reader.

A young woman races in a contest against cancer that threatens her life. A soldier carries a flag through the full marathon distance to keep alive the memory of fallen comrades. Two of the sport’s most decorated champions do battle in the greatest head-to-head competition ever seen in any sport. Parents put their family back together after the loss of a child.

Reilly has witnessed it all, and brings it to life in a series of riveting stories that will have readers re-thinking their notions of what people are capable of when pushed to their limits.

PDF MIKE REILLY Finding My Voice Tales From IRONMAN the World Greatest Endurance Event Mike Reilly Lee Gruenfeld Bob Babbitt 9781733747820 Books

"In Praise of Finding my Voice by Mike Reilly

Seldom have I read a book that captures the essence of why I do sports. Boys in The Boat came close although I never have crewed. However, I have done triathlons and Mike has written a book for those of use that have dedicated hours into training and racing.

This may be difficult to understand for those of you reading my praise for this book, but I found I could not read more than a chapter at a time. In fact, sometimes I could not finish a chapter because it moved me so much that tears streamed down my cheeks. It brought back memories, beautiful memories, of nearly 20 years of age group racing. If you have done any sports, you are going to like this book. If you have done sports, you know it is not about the racing. Sports are about developing healthy habits, about coaching, about deep friendships, about pushing yourself for no other reason than to see where it will take you.

Mike relates many of the extraordinary people that do triathlons and the people that support them. It is not about the pros, those gods of the sport. It is about all the rest of us that look up to those gods and who get to compete in the same race at the same time, to shake hands with, and to cheer them. But I could never do what they do. But I can do the same race just like them but at my 100%-effort pace.

When I am racing, I briefly allow myself the time to notice other athletes but not too much because I lose my focus. Reading Finding my Voice took me back to Kona after my races were done. Back to finding myself at the finish line cheering for the people coming in after my time and waiting for the last athlete because no matter what time an athlete does, we are all part of a unique population that shares an experience that few others have and I feel a sense of comradery with my sisters and brothers. We know what it was like to train, to sacrifice and to race in Kona or elsewhere. Thank you, Mike, for capturing so eloquently what it was like for me and to put into words that could stir such deep emotions and that just might inspire others to change their lives completely. You were there for me in Kona at my moment of glory and now you are for me any time I want to pick up your book and relive those moments again."

Product details

  • Hardcover 238 pages
  • Publisher Steeplechase (March 12, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1733747826

Read MIKE REILLY Finding My Voice Tales From IRONMAN the World Greatest Endurance Event Mike Reilly Lee Gruenfeld Bob Babbitt 9781733747820 Books

Tags : MIKE REILLY Finding My Voice Tales From IRONMAN, the World's Greatest Endurance Event [Mike Reilly, Lee Gruenfeld, Bob Babbitt] on . IRONMAN is a sports phenomenon that has come to symbolize the very best of human striving, achievement and excellence. And race announcer Mike Reilly is known throughout the endurance sports world as the “Voice of IRONMAN.” Every year,Mike Reilly, Lee Gruenfeld, Bob Babbitt,MIKE REILLY Finding My Voice Tales From IRONMAN, the World's Greatest Endurance Event,Steeplechase,1733747826,BIOGRAPHY AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Sports,Biography Autobiography/Sports,Exercise Fitness,Exercise Fitness; Running Jogging; Triathlon; Motivational self-improvement; Sports Outdoors; Sports biographies; Cycling,HEALTH FITNESS / General,Running Jogging,SELF-HELP / Motivational Inspirational,Self-Help/Motivational Inspirational,Triathlon

MIKE REILLY Finding My Voice Tales From IRONMAN the World Greatest Endurance Event Mike Reilly Lee Gruenfeld Bob Babbitt 9781733747820 Books Reviews :

MIKE REILLY Finding My Voice Tales From IRONMAN the World Greatest Endurance Event Mike Reilly Lee Gruenfeld Bob Babbitt 9781733747820 Books Reviews

  • In Praise of Finding my Voice by Mike Reilly

    Seldom have I read a book that captures the essence of why I do sports. Boys in The Boat came close although I never have crewed. However, I have done triathlons and Mike has written a book for those of use that have dedicated hours into training and racing.

    This may be difficult to understand for those of you reading my praise for this book, but I found I could not read more than a chapter at a time. In fact, sometimes I could not finish a chapter because it moved me so much that tears streamed down my cheeks. It brought back memories, beautiful memories, of nearly 20 years of age group racing. If you have done any sports, you are going to like this book. If you have done sports, you know it is not about the racing. Sports are about developing healthy habits, about coaching, about deep friendships, about pushing yourself for no other reason than to see where it will take you.

    Mike relates many of the extraordinary people that do triathlons and the people that support them. It is not about the pros, those gods of the sport. It is about all the rest of us that look up to those gods and who get to compete in the same race at the same time, to shake hands with, and to cheer them. But I could never do what they do. But I can do the same race just like them but at my 100%-effort pace.

    When I am racing, I briefly allow myself the time to notice other athletes but not too much because I lose my focus. Reading Finding my Voice took me back to Kona after my races were done. Back to finding myself at the finish line cheering for the people coming in after my time and waiting for the last athlete because no matter what time an athlete does, we are all part of a unique population that shares an experience that few others have and I feel a sense of comradery with my sisters and brothers. We know what it was like to train, to sacrifice and to race in Kona or elsewhere. Thank you, Mike, for capturing so eloquently what it was like for me and to put into words that could stir such deep emotions and that just might inspire others to change their lives completely. You were there for me in Kona at my moment of glory and now you are for me any time I want to pick up your book and relive those moments again.
  • Many, many inspiring tales of overcoming obstacles and rising to unexpected accomplishment sprinkled with behind the scenes anecdotes and a dose of autobiography.
  • The stories are presented in such a heartfelt manner that touches deep. Prepared to be moved and inspired like Ironman itself
  • Started reading and could not put it down! So many incredible life changing stories. Mike has had such an impact on so many lives over the years and hearing all the stories first hand is incredible. Can't say enough good things about this book! Not just for athletes either...anyone who enjoys heartfelt journeys will enjoy "Finding My Voice" . Carlie
  • Incredible story of Mike Reilly and his 30 years of being the voice of Ironman. Beautifully written with a vast array of recollections and reflections of the people who make up the spirit of Ironman. Warm, funny, sad and infinitely inspiring - a must read for everyone.
  • Nothing but the best from a legend who changes lives with every race he calls. One of the top moments when he called me across the finish line.
  • For those who don’t know Mike Reilly personally, you’ll find the beginning of his book quite interesting and informative. Mike gives you a peek into his personal background, his family and how he became involved in this amazing sport. But, for me, I love, love, loved the stories of the athletes. Be sure to have your Kleenex ready! Mike truly remembers and relates the struggles and emotions that so many of these athletes dealt with to reach their personal goals. Knowing these are only a few of his many, many memories, makes me look forward to his next book!
  • After reading "Finding My Voice, Tales from Ironman", I couldn't help but envy Mike Reilly's good fortune in being able to follow his passion and become such an iconic figure in the world of Ironman. The individuals and stories he describes and tells are both varied and riveting. Here, we are treated to a backdrop of Ironman tales never before told.

    The man behind the most important exclamation in all of triathlon, "YOU ARE AN IRONMAN" is clearly, so much more that just a voice, he is the spirit and heart of Ironman. Triathlete or not, you can't be helped from being moved when reading his tales. Wonderful read.