Download PDF Game of Thrones Book Of Characters Character Description Guide edition by Simon Reynolds Humor Entertainment eBooks

By Bryan Richards on Monday 27 May 2019

Download PDF Game of Thrones Book Of Characters Character Description Guide edition by Simon Reynolds Humor Entertainment eBooks

Product details

  • File Size 2467 KB
  • Print Length 98 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
  • Publication Date May 27, 2015
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English

Game of Thrones Book Of Characters Character Description Guide edition by Simon Reynolds Humor Entertainment eBooks Reviews

  • A grade school synopsis of characters activities from the series. Not really of much help. The links, what few there are fail to work, The last half are 50 questions from a game with NO answers (Sorry just found them in a resized screen, small print bottom of the page answers up to question 46. There is a link to buy the other half for $5 for that book.

    Just another money grab, not really worth the bother. Luckily I got it free, so all I overpaid on is my time.
  • I could get more info on game of thrones wiki
  • Just not a good buy... I'm sorry
  • Helps to understand these characters a little better...
    I love this show, anxiously waiting for season 8! Will be sad when it’s over.
  • Just got in to Game of Thrones and I wanted to know "who's who".....I have the book on my tablet/kindle app and I can look at it whenever I need to know who someone is and their story line. Very informative!
  • Helped immensely catch me up on characters, have been watching six seasons starting with #3, 4, 5, 6, #1 & 2. So I didn't get characters and their info in order. Can't wait for season 7.
  • Excellent reader help in sequence and characters....very useful.....
  • Fun book if you follow the series - good explanation.
    I didn't give it five stars because it doesn't go to season 6 where we are now and
    I didn't know that. I guess I should have read a little closer to see when it was
    published, etc.