Ebook Atlantisch Crusaders The bloody journey of a volunteer unit on the Russian Front eBook Colin Gee

By Bryan Richards on Friday, 24 May 2019

Ebook Atlantisch Crusaders The bloody journey of a volunteer unit on the Russian Front eBook Colin Gee

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Download PDF Atlantisch Crusaders The bloody journey of a volunteer unit on the Russian Front eBook Colin Gee

Thank you for purchasing this book. If you have already joined me on the Red Gambit journey, welcome back. If you are new to my writing, then I hope you will find it to your liking.'Atlantisch Crusaders’ is the start of a new series about a fictitious Waffen SS unit, one that is formed following a wholly different outcome and political situation in 1940's Europe. In real life, the Germans moved forward with the idea of forming Legions from foreign contingents and created a number of successful quality fighting units from men born in other lands. The distinction was made in the name… SS units were nominally German as opposed to Waffen Grenadier der SS units that were ‘foreign’ manned. With varying degrees of success from superb fighting quality units through to abject military failures, the Waffen SS comprised formations containing Norwegians, Swedes, Danes, Dutch, Croatians, Bosnians, Slovakians, Spanish, Ukrainians, Latvians, Lithuanians, Estonians, Finnish, Albanians, Hungarians, Flemish, Walloons, Romanians, Bulgarians, Czechs, Russians, Italians, Indians, and French. They also tried and failed with some national groups, notably the Britisches Freikorps, also known as the Legion of St. George, which existed in a political sense but that actually comprised of only a handful of my countrymen. It seems likely that a few men saw action as part of the 11th SS Aufklarungs Abteilung [Reconnaissance Battalion] on the Oder in March 1945. There was even a plan to form a George Washington Legion of American troops. This series of books will follow the volunteers that came together to fight Communism following the defeat of France and Britain, and the selection of a neutral stance by the United States of America. They will all be about men in combat and the brotherhood of the fighting soldier. I try hard not to romanticise combat, as it is undoubtedly an awful and visceral thing. So when I write of fighting I always try and tell it how I imagine it to have been in the times I am describing, based upon some modest experiences of seeing life terminated in the most horrible ways, and testimony from those who engaged in man’s oldest game. The basic principle is carried over from Red Gambit.‘There are no bad peoples, just some bad people.’ Atlantisch will explore a path that I consider could, had all the circumstances been in place, have been followed by the nations that participated in World War Two.I hope you enjoy the journey.

Ebook Atlantisch Crusaders The bloody journey of a volunteer unit on the Russian Front eBook Colin Gee

"Colin Gee has done it again! His alternative history books are well written and very well researched. This book is the first book of another great series and I can't wait for the next one! Pick it up, you will not be disappointed!"

Product details

  • File Size 3261 KB
  • Print Length 273 pages
  • Publication Date March 27, 2019
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English
  • ASIN B07Q4787XV

Read Atlantisch Crusaders The bloody journey of a volunteer unit on the Russian Front eBook Colin Gee

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Atlantisch Crusaders The bloody journey of a volunteer unit on the Russian Front eBook Colin Gee Reviews :

Atlantisch Crusaders The bloody journey of a volunteer unit on the Russian Front eBook Colin Gee Reviews

  • I am a fan of this author's work (I own the Red Gambit series), so you could say I have been following him for sometime, but I am simply not as able to "get into" this book as his others. As another reviewer points out, his small unit actions and understanding of World War II era military technology are superb. Unfortunately, without the larger canvas that Red Gambit played out against, this strikes me as disjointed and more of a kind of writing exercise than a coherent narrative. Again, I stress that this is a talented writer well worth watching, but "Atlantisch" simply left me cold. His battle scenes here, vivid and often touched with both compassion and wisdom. seem isolated and somehow pointless because for me they do not connect to an overarching theme beyond the human experience of combat. Perhaps, for some that is enough, but I find myself craving more.
  • Being a big fan of the Red Gambit series, I was eagerly awaiting the next book of the same author. Sadly, this book didn't achieve the quality and believability of the old series. It's mostly a pretty dry account of military operations at pretty low level, and the impact of Germany having an intact Luftwaffe for Barbarossa (and open trade routes) was conveniently forgotten by the author, so the Russian campaign of 1941 plays out the same as in real life, and the war is back to historical path by the end of the year. The short moments of the soldiers talking are superb, and the unit created is believable, but still I was skipping pages at the end. There is simply unrealised potential of alternate history, and majority of the book is composed of a dry account of company-level combat (like an AAR from a tabletop game written by an amateur). It's not even grisly enough by Red Gambit standards, or frightening in the way real war diaries of the Eastern Front are.
  • Excellent small-unit tactics and scenes. Knowledgeable on history, and particularly on equipment. I frequently can't tell where things are going - that's a compliment! this is not formulaic force-my-side-to-win through an escalating series of improbably smart hindsight decisions, it's a good exercise in working out what would happen if some changes occurred early in the war.

    Highly recommended! How long to the next volume, Mr. Gee? thanks
  • Colin Gee has done it again! His alternative history books are well written and very well researched. This book is the first book of another great series and I can't wait for the next one! Pick it up, you will not be disappointed!
  • Follow a unit of British and American volunteer SS unit fighting the Russians in this alternate history of WW II. Can't wait for more books.