Download PDF She Ain't It Platinum Edition How to Expose Damaged Desperate and Deceitful Women Find Your Game Changer Audible Audio Edition G L Lambert Patrick Stevens Viceroy Publishing Books

By Bryan Richards on Sunday 19 May 2019

Download PDF She Ain't It Platinum Edition How to Expose Damaged Desperate and Deceitful Women Find Your Game Changer Audible Audio Edition G L Lambert Patrick Stevens Viceroy Publishing Books

Product details

  • Audible Audiobook
  • Listening Length 11 hours and 58 minutes
  • Program Type Audiobook
  • Version Unabridged
  • Publisher Viceroy Publishing
  • Release Date January 30, 2019
  • Whispersync for Voice Ready
  • Language English, English

She Ain't It Platinum Edition How to Expose Damaged Desperate and Deceitful Women Find Your Game Changer Audible Audio Edition G L Lambert Patrick Stevens Viceroy Publishing Books Reviews

  • I am a woman and this book changed my life! Reading this book helped me understand dating from a males perspective. It also helped me understand the things I was doing wrong. I didn't understand the concept of the game nor did I know that I wasn't coming off as a woman who knew what she wanted. I love this book and I'm so glad that he came out with a revised version. I purchase books by him all the time and his blog is by far the best blog I've ever read. I look forward to reading anything that is written by this author.
  • Hey Fellas, If you're like me, You take a "Woman's" review witha " grain of salt" when it's about what a man should or shoudn't do in regards to relationship advice but not to disparage the other comments.. I'm a man and I'm here to tell you this this book is dope and this dude G.L. Lambert lays the game down cold.. and he's actually teaching a lot of real life lessons.. Now before you think to yourself "Boooorrring" I have to say he spits some real game in the book and it will make you a better man also.. how you use the info is up to you.. like Spider man with great power comes great responsibility to use wisely..
  • Another great book of G L Lambert. This author is my favorite so far. He doesn't write advises like the other book that are very general. I read Men don't love women like you and Solving single, this one complete them by giving us extra knowledge on how to act with men. Thanks to this author l have a lot of self confidence and am don't fear rejection. I know my value and is open to meet the guy that won't break my heart.
  • This is a great book ladies and I learned how some men think not all but it is pretty close to how they think.