Download Petty The Biography Warren Zanes 9781250105196 Books

By Bryan Richards on Saturday 4 May 2019

Download Petty The Biography Warren Zanes 9781250105196 Books

Product details

  • Paperback 336 pages
  • Publisher St. Martin's Griffin; Reprint edition (October 25, 2016)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 9781250105196

Petty The Biography Warren Zanes 9781250105196 Books Reviews

  • I'll risk sounding like a loser and just admit that I wasn't super into Tom Petty before reading this book. Sure, I know (and enjoy) his big hits like anyone else, but not much beyond that. I basically started this book with a clean slate, more curious than anything else, and really just looking to learn.

    Well, after finishing the biography, I can say with all honesty that I am now a legitimate Tom Petty fan. I have enormous respect for the man. I really had no idea he had been through so much. I never knew his father used to beat the sh*t out of him for years--but then turned around and mooched off of his son's success for the rest of his life. It never registered for me how hard Petty worked to get where he is. Truly, his work ethic is admirable. While it seems that his family life suffered for it, I am still a bit in awe that he has remained so focused and determined to succeed after decades in the business. It's respectable. And yet, despite the fact that he has been so successful, he's also surprisingly humble. He says many times that he was never in it for the money. He always dreamed of living comfortably, sure--paying rent on time, etc., etc.--but he never got sidetracked by a huge payday. His heart was always in the music.

    That became even more obvious to me when I went back and really listened to his music. While reading the book, I played most of the tracks author Zanes highlighted in the book. And I felt like I heard something new in these songs. I noticed the layers to the lyrics and the creativity in the sounds of American Girl, Listen to Her Heart, Insider, You Don't Know How It Feels, and others. It was just crazy to me how much I got out of these songs after I knew a bit more about the artist.

    One last thing...I also want to mention how impressed I was by Petty's oldest daughter, Adria. While reading, I could tell that she had experienced a lot of pain, especially after watching her parents divorce and then having to essentially raise her younger sister. But she seemed very strong to me--and surprisingly insightful. I looked forward to hearing her perspective on her dad. She added something special to this story.

    At any rate, I loved this book. I don't even normally like biographies that much--just because they tend to be so dry, ugh--but Zanes managed to write this one with a lot of heart. I finished it and felt legitimately connected to Petty and his music. It was a wonderful read.
  • - WOW - all I've got to man sure did put on a brave face considering the long life of agony he was suffering - I know many of you may find that hard to believe - but just read this book - and there's a lot of parallels with Tom Petty and every Boba musician I have ever met in the last 50 years...including YOURS TRULY...!!

    Some of the parts had me baffled and confused thinking I was reading my own biography...!!!!

    If you are any kind of Tom Petty fan, or American musician, even if yours was a garage band, and you never made it to the top of the mountain like Tom, you've got to read this book!!! will laugh and cry all at the same time...and kudos to Warren Zanes (Del Fuegos - BOSTON BABY!!!!) for layin' it all down so well...even that perspective added so much familiarity to this story for me....I grew up cruisin' the same places and listening to the same radio as Warren..

    After reading this, even though I never met the man, I feel like I lived on the same street as Tom Petty....I guess I did.....Main Street, America....this is as American a story as it gets kids....get you some!
  • With Tom Petty suddenly passing, I turned to this biography for a sense of closure.
    As a life long fan , I thought I knew most of his history, but found the depth of knowledge in this biography far beyond what I had read before.
    It is a very impressive book, and hard to put down.
    I really feel a deeper understanding of his music after reading this, and would highly recommend this to anybody interested in musical history and Tom Petty in particular.
  • I've loved Petty's music since the '70's. I've been lucky enough to see him and The Heartbreakers in concert a dozen times. I've always felt that I've known the man through his incredible lyrics but also felt like he was a mystery. Now, through Zanes' incredible biography, I understand that Petty's gift comes from some tough times and his wall is real. I appreciate his drive and determination now almost as much as I appreciate his talent.

    Zanes is a fan and some might say that makes him more of a cheerleader than a biographer, but he still presented the warts along with the praise. It's an enjoyable read for a Petty fan such as myself or for anyone who loves rock and roll or wants to know more about the process or how to even be a leader. It's not easy.

    I've always secretly hoped that I would someday run in to Petty and have a great conversation, but now that I know more about the man through this biography, I think I would just smile and wave and let him be...he deserves that much for all the joy his music and concerts have given to me.
  • PETTY THE BIOGRAPHY is a superior example of its kind for two big reasons. One, author Warren Zanes had near-complete access to virtually every major player in the Tom Petty story, going back to Petty's childhood. That's rare in rock bios, which tend to be spotty primarily because key players refuse to be interviewed—or are never approached for interviews. (The only omission here Jane, Petty's first wife.) Two, Zanes — a musician himself, from the late eighties college-rock band Del Fuegos — strikes the right balance between being a Petty fan and being a Petty fanboy. That is to say, his affection and admiration don't get in the way of offering cogent critical analyses of Petty's work relative to Petty's physical and mental state at any given time. Also, the writing is a cut above the usual colorless hack-for-hire fare that marks many rock bios. The takeaway is a sympathetic, empathetic, never blind-eyed portrait of a complicated musical genius with a great many flaws. A thoroughly absorbing, entertaining, easygoing read.