Ebook How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be The 25 Principles of Success Jack Canfield 9780007245758 Books

By Bryan Richards on Wednesday 1 May 2019

Ebook How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be The 25 Principles of Success Jack Canfield 9780007245758 Books

Product details

  • Paperback 368 pages
  • Publisher Harper Element (January 1, 2007)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 0007245750

How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be The 25 Principles of Success Jack Canfield 9780007245758 Books Reviews

  • I've been doing some research after wanting to start my own business. Came across this book and had to read it. I am so glad I took that leap and now I can't put the book down! Really good advice and not just for your professional ambitions but also for your personal life. I'll definitely be rereading this book to get all the tips and guidance that I need...
  • Remember this one thing from the book. It is always your fault and you must always blame yourself for something wrong in your life. Too many people I know live in denial of their own lives and cover it up with butterflies and ponies and rainbows. But life is about facing tough challenges and you create your own path.
  • Sage advice, as expected from Jack Canfield. Informaion contained within can be applied to any life situation, The key is you have to aoolky it. Like the slogan says, "Just Do IT."
  • Great concepts put together into a handy manual for your mind. This is a useful resource to have with you to make sure you are doing everything you can to get to where you want to be. I'm a great proponent of personal development and have ready many personal development books, and still managed to get valuable distinctions from Canfield.
  • Good information.\
  • This is the second book I read by Jack Canfield. The first one was The Key to Living the Law of Attraction The Secret to Creating the Life of Your Dreams which I absolutely loved, so much so that I bought one for a dear friend, something I never do as I assume people read the books they choose to read, not what I buy them but I thought that she really could take a lot of inspiration from it. This book is a lot thicker and although the content is very good I have to give it one star less because I didn't find it as inspiring as the other one which is maybe unfair as it the subject is a bit different. Still, this is a book worth reading! There are very good affirmations and advice on how to become more successful as well as many inspiring stories (well, the one of the luge Olympian appears twice and that wasn't really necessary but I suppose most books are now only proof read by friends and family and not by professionals who would spot those details anymore). Jack also tells you how to create effective affirmations, something that is very important and which I hadn't come across so far because you need to use affirmation that work, of course! Like his other book this one is a book to read from cover to cover but also to refer to often! Whether you want to become more successful in your career, own your own business or even in your personal life this book can be of great help if only you keep using the advice given here. If you only read it once and forget all about it then either you have a great memory or else it is not use reading it at all! In the end there is a list of book Jack advises you to read according to your goal, one of training possibilities you can attend and audio programmes (take into account that the book is was published years ago so many might not exist anymore) and a reasonable index. I wish that I lived in the USA and could attend one of his seminars but then.... You never know... things happen to those who are brave enough to wish them!!!! Jack Canfield is an inspirational human being and we are lucky that he shares that inspiration with us!
  • Jack Canfield is somewhat of a legend in success and achievement circles. He is the author of 60 best-selling books with over 100 million copies in print in 46 languages around the world - including a Guinness Book world record for having 7 books on the May 1998 New York Times best seller list. Talk about an over achiever!

    'How To Get From Where You Are To Where You Want To Be', while nothing new, re-presents the time-tested principles for success that have worked throughout the ages and can continue to be applied for success today.

    The best audience for this book would be anybody who has achieved some limited success in business and life, but has seemed to wander off track at times and may be feeling a little lost and in need of reflection, to get things in order then formulate a plan for moving forward.

    This is not just all about positive thinking. Jack lays down essential strategies that you can implement straight away to set yourself back on course for success. There are a number of different strategies and approaches that if used in unison will be most effective. But time permitting, you can slowly introduce each concept and build up your momentum for success.

    I really enjoyed this book, and refer back to it as I need reminding of the principles I must apply for my own success. The book is over 300 pages, and presents excellent value for money. Read it once, then keep it next to your desk as a handy reference moving forward.

    Leigh Burke
    Author of Niche Internet Marketing

    NICHE Internet Marketing The secrets to exploiting untapped niche markets and unleashing a tsunami of cash
  • A fantastic and life turning book!