» PDF How to Help Someone With Cancer 70 Ways To Help Cancer Patients and Their Families During Cancer Treatment Shannon Benish Erin Pyle 9780998422800 Books
Bryan Richards on Thursday, 2 May 2019
PDF How to Help Someone With Cancer 70 Ways To Help Cancer Patients and Their Families During Cancer Treatment Shannon Benish Erin Pyle 9780998422800 Books

Product details - Paperback 114 pages
- Publisher Rebel Redd Books (January 5, 2017)
- Language English
- ISBN-10 0998422800

How to Help Someone With Cancer 70 Ways To Help Cancer Patients and Their Families During Cancer Treatment Shannon Benish Erin Pyle 9780998422800 Books Reviews
- Amazing author, amazing book! Really helpful for anyone who has a loved one with cancer!
- This is a great tool for anyone looking for ways to support a loved one facing a cancer diagnosis. A quick read with practical advice that can make a difference in ways you might not typically think.
- Excellent book.
- As a caregiver/spouse, there is nothing new here.
- How to Help Someone with Cancer by Shannon Benish is a non-fiction book that gives you pointers on how to help someone that is going through having cancer. This book was very informative and helped me better understand what needs to be done when you are helping someone with cancer. She went through this, so she gave us the knowledge that she had to help other cope and make the person feel better. There are seventy ways to help someone that has cancer. A lot of the ways are to help them with their daily life to relieve the burden so that they can relax. Others offer support and just being there for the person. This book inspired me to take a look at my life and change my outlook on life. With each new pointer, you feel that you are beginning to understand the burden that cancer can cause.
I would recommend this book to anyone; because it gives you a better understanding of what cancer patients go through. If you are looking to find some help with what needs to be done when helping a person with cancer, this is the book for you. This book helps you to get a grasp of what kind of things to expect and the resources to assist you if needed. This book is an excellent resource of knowledge and other resources to help with a person that may need help. I would use this book as a go to, to help me with understanding and to help a person get through the traumatic experience that cancer can cause. I hope that the author continues to give us knowledge like this because this is a very helpful guide that will be used by many people looking for help. Thank you, Shannon, for sharing this information with us. - How to Help Someone with Cancer 70 Ways to Help Cancer Patients and Their Families During Cancer Treatment by Shannon Benish is a rewarding read that provides a well-written, thoughtful, and engaging examination of the many different ways each person can be of service to someone suffering from a life threatening illness.
In this personal account, Benish shares her experience as the mother of a daughter diagnosed with sarcoma. At the tender of age of eleven, Erin Pyle's doctors discovered a mass in her leg. After conducting many tests, the family's worst nightmare was confirmed when it was determined Erin did indeed have sarcoma, a form of bone cancer. Blindsided by the information, Benish found it impossible to maintain her normal life as she traveled many hours from her home, to Denver Colorado for Erin's treatments.
In her effort to help other families going through the same devastating experience, Benish has compiled a list of ways friends and family can be of service during these most difficult times.
Well conceived and finely executed, the author covers a number of especially hard issues with sophistication and care. Although the topic of the book is heavy, this is not a depressing book. Instead l found it both motivating and inspiring. Making it clear there is no task too small when it comes to finding a way to help friends and family as they face the fight of their lives.
The book's format is very easy to follow. With no chapters in the book, each way to help is numbered, highlighted and then discussed. Some of the ways to help includes, " Pick Up The Patient's Mail, Offer To Take Or Make Phone Calls If Patient Needs A Rest, Get Them A Funny Book," and, 'Offer a Ride To Treatment".
The book also contains a, "category index" which gives the reader the option of finding information according to a specific topic. This index provides an alternate way of reading the book outside of reading it cover to cover.
At 114 pages How To Help Someone With Cancer is a quick read containing new, clear and comprehensive suggestions for how to be of service. If you are someone, or know of someone that is suffering from a life altering illness, I recommend you read this book. - The opportunity to read this book by Shannon Benish occurred at a time in my life when a dear friend that I have known for 30+ years was diagnosed with high grade ovarian cancer. Still feeling shattered by this heartbreaking news, I seized the chance to read "How To Help Someone With Cancer" when it appeared on my Facebook feed. I was drawn in by its beautiful cover design. I appreciated the chapter format of this book, in particular, that made it very easy to read. The index in the front of the book also allowed me to seek chapters I was most interested in expediently. I found this organization of the book helpful when I wanted to go back and review specific topics again. The addition of the "Did You Know?" pages was nicely done to provide variety and facts while reading, also. In summary, I found Shannon Benish's "How To Help Someone With Cancer" to be well-organized, very comprehensive, and empathetic, with interesting facts interspersed. It is probably most useful to someone in a situation similar to mine, who is blind-sided by an unexpected, devastating diagnosis for a loved one.
- This is an easy-to-read book brimming with ideas to help someone with cancer and their family. So many times, a family I know would be going through this sad situation, and I wondered what I could do that would be of help. Now, as a caretaker for my mom who has cancer, I read this book as a person who could imagine the helpfulness of the ideas contained in this book. Besides the regular visit or card, this book contains ideas I would not have thought of, but that would really be helpful for a family in this situation. I will be ready in the future with some great ideas to help others. This is a great book!